  • 學位論文


Establishment of Creative City Indicators for Taiwan

指導教授 : 鍾燕宜 李右芷


經濟穩定繁榮可以壯大城市的競爭力,進而提升城市形象與生活品質,使城市擁有獨特風貌。隨著時代與產業變遷,創意已成為二十一世紀強大的經濟驅動力,創意城市的概念也在國外成為城市經營議題重要核心,美國、加拿大、歐洲地區、香港特區政府與美國矽谷地區也先後分別建構專屬的創意城市指標。台灣經濟目前面臨世界競爭下之轉型壓力,創意能帶領台灣各城市有一番新的蛻變。由於各國政治、經濟、文化、統計制度、人文等差異,台灣也應有專屬的創意城市評量。因此,本研究目的為透過文獻回顧以及多次的專家會議訪談先行彙整研擬出創意城市評量的構面與指標因子,再藉由德爾菲專家法和層級程序分析法進一步萃取出一致性的構面和指標,並得到權重分析。 藉由文獻彙整、專家會議訪談與德爾菲專家問卷的施測,架構出台灣創意城市評量模式的指標,分為三個層級,共有六個構面和二十五個操作性指標。在各構面權重上,?用層級程序分析法,發現文化藝術構面在創意城市蘊含中最為重要,其次依序為環境、人才、科技、社會、經濟等構面。創意城市研究在國內仍屬少數,本研究期望能為相關領域衍伸出更多的學術研究探討,並作為各城市進行檢視自我競爭力和政策資源分配的參考工具。


Stable and prosperous economy can increase the competitive ability, the image, life quality and uniqueness of a city. With the rapid changes of modern time and industry, creativity has already become one of the strongest driving force behind economic growth. The concept of a creative city is an important focus in the management of cities in many parts of the world. U.S., Canada, Europe, Hong Kong and the Silicon Valley have successfully created their own indexes of a creative city. Under the pressure of worldwide competition, Taiwan faces the need to upgrade itself, which only creativity can give. Because of the differences in political, economic, statistical and cultural systems in different countries, it is necessary for Taiwan to develop its own creative city index rather than adopting those from other countries. Hence, the purpose of this thesis is to build an initial Taiwanese index of a creative city by reviewing literature and interviewing many specialists, and then to apply the Delphi and A.H.P. method on the initial index to get a consensus index and its percentage. From the literature, specialist interviews and Delphi questionnaire, a Taiwan’s creative city index is built. It contains twenty-five indicators which belong to six aspects under three levels. The results from the A.H.P. method show that culture/art is the most important aspect, the ranking of the others being environment, talent, technology, society and economy. Studies on creative cities are limited in Taiwan. This thesis hopes to serve as a point of departure for more academic research on this subject, and to provide every Taiwanese city a tool to examine its competitiveness and resource allocation when planning strategies.




Andersson, A. (1985), Creativity and Regional Development, Papers of the Regional Science Association.
Dalkey, N. C. (1969), The Delphi method: An experimental study of group


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