  • 學位論文


The impact of job involvement and organizational commitment on job performance of the dispatched workers:Use incentive as the moderating factor.

指導教授 : 吳坤山


為因應市場的快速變化,企業與組織為支應因季節性或專案業務需求,人力、物力均要依市場需求隨時調整,考量高峰期過後多餘人力的閒置與薪資成本的負擔,運用派遣人員來調節人力需求就成為企業節省薪資成本的主要方法之一;但目前台灣就業市場仿國外的模式,出現了人力派遣的行業,雖可為企業降低人力成本,但派遣人員的薪資、福利等卻無法與正職員工相比較,故市場上所引發同工不同酬,或派遣人員的績效是否可如正職員工一樣有高度的工作投入,同時對組織也有高度承諾,此兩者的變化是否影響要派企業的整體工作績效,這些都是值得瞭解的,也是研究者想探討的問題。 本研究主要目的是以目前國內從事派遣工作的員工為主要的研究對象,探討工作投入、組織承諾對工作績效之影響,並以獎勵措施的有無為干擾因素,以探討是否對各相關構面間造成干擾之效果。 在確定研究動機、擬定研究方向及研究目的後,對國內外之相關文獻加以歸納整理,再根據其理論基礎建立本研究之架構與假說。本研究針對台北縣市內晉用派遣員工之公民營企業進行調查分析,以瞭解目前從事人力派遣之工作的員工,對相關問卷內容之看法,與要派公司內部給予派遣員工之獎勵狀況,並針對回收的有效樣本161份資料,進行敘述性統計、因素分析、信度分析、ANOVA分析、相關分析及階層迴歸分析,最後根據實證之結果提出主要研究結論如下: 1.派遣員工的工作投入對組織承諾具有顯著正相關。 2.派遣員工的工作投入對工作績效具有顯著正向影響。 3.派遣員工的組織承諾對工作績效具有顯著正向影響。 4.獎勵措施對派遣員工的工作投入與工作績效具有正向干擾效果。 5.獎勵措施對派遣員工的組織承諾與工作績效具有正向干擾效果。


In response to the rapidly changing markets, and the enterprises and organizations to cover the seasonal or ad hoc business needs, manpower and resources have to be adjusted at any time in accordance with the market demand. Considering the idle surplus manpower and cost burden after the peak period, the dispatched workers have become a major cost-saving way when enterprises need to conduct the manpower adjustment. Taiwan job market has imitated the overseas pattern and presented the manpower dispatch business. It may reduce the labor cost for the enterprise, but the dispatched worker's salaries and benefits cannot compare with the full-time employees. Therefore, same job with different pay or whether dispatched worker's achievements could be involved equally and committed to the organizations as the full-time employees are worthy of understanding, and these are also what the researchers want to probe. Those issues will be the main study purpose for this research. The main purpose of this thesis is to study the impact of job involvement and organizational commitment on job performance of the dispatched workers in which the incentive as the moderating factor This research is begun to set about from relevant references, then set up structure and hypotheses of this research according to its theoretical foundation, select proper scale for study tool, adopt convenience sampling, implement questionnaire investigation for total 200 dispatched employees’ views regarding this questionnaire and the rewarding system used in the dispatched businesses. To effective 161 materials of sample retrieving, analyze the descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and hierarchical regression. After the empirical research, the findings as follows: 1.The job involvement of dispatched workers has significant positive correlation on organizational commitment. 2.The job involvement of dispatched workers has significant effect on job performance. 3.The organizational commitment of dispatched workers has significant effect on job performance. 4.Use incentive as the moderating factor to positive influence on relationship between job involvement and job performance. 5.Use incentive as the moderating factor to positive influence on relationship between organizational commitment and job performance.


范熾文(2006)。國小校長轉型領導、學校組織文化與教師組織承諾關係之研究。行政院國科會專題研究未出版資料,編號:NSC 94-2413-H026-012。


