  • 學位論文


The Study of Fire Protection Curtain for The Simulation of Fire Prevention Division

指導教授 : 林裕昌


「截火幕」具有輕巧柔軟安全性高、空間自由度大等優點,而國內截火幕防火設備作為防火區劃時,需具有一小時以上之阻熱性,但目前尚無截火幕防火設備試驗規範及截火幕防火設備阻熱性之電腦模擬研究。 本研究對象所探討的截火幕防火設備,包括(1)單層截火幕、(2)雙層截火幕不同間距(嵌夾空氣層)之二種類型,模擬裝置以小型加熱爐及全尺寸設施為對象,並以上述裝置應用於火災動態模擬軟體FDS,藉以探討該類型的阻熱性能及輻射分級,是否符合法規等相關規範之需求。 本研究以目前防火區劃法規需求下,蒐集截火幕防火設備之相關文獻,並以FDS模擬防火設備背溫及輻射熱,觀察火災發生時截火幕防火設備之阻熱性與週遭溫度變化情形,而後進行尺寸效應之探討,並提出阻熱性成效分析結果。 由研究類型歸納截火幕防火設備之結論,如下所述: 一、單層截火幕-皆無法具有阻熱性。雙層截火幕-於小型加熱爐210cm間距、全尺寸設施900cm間距可達到阻熱性需求。 二、阻熱性及輻射分級分析,單層轉換成雙層截火幕時,背溫下降顯著,但間距的等距調漲,下降的效率卻越趨減緩。 三、藉由尺寸效應分析,可預測不同截火幕尺寸的阻熱性能。


防火區劃 截火幕 阻熱性 熱傳遞 FDS


Fire protection curtain, a fire prevention equipment, has lots of advantages, such as, light material, high security, and less limits in space. According to Taiwan's Building code, any fire prevention equipment is required to have insulation preformance that can work for more than one hour. However, there is not any criterion or computer simulation for fire protection curtain so far. The object of this study, fire protection curtain, includes two following types: (1).Single-layered fire protection curtain. (2).Double-layered fire protection curtain.In order to research wether the performance of fire prevention and the level of radiation can meet the requirements stipulated by related specifications or not,a simulator which was equipped with a small heating furnace and all-size facility was applied to FDS(Fire Dynamics System). In this study, the documents about fire protection curtain under current stipulation of fire prevention equipment are collected and a computer simulator that simulated the temperature of fire prevention equipmet and radiant heat in FDS for observing the variation in insulation performance of fire protection curtain while the fire occurs or the temperature changes. Then the dimension effect from this result is researched. The conculsion of study type of Fire Curtain Protection equipment is below: 1. The Single-layered fire protection curtain don't have insulation performance. In the other hand, the Double-layered fire protection curtain which was equipped with a small heating furnace and a all-size facility could meet the requirement of insulation performance. 2. In the analysis of insulation performance and laser-layered, while the Single-layered fire protection curtain transfered to Double-layered fire protection curtain, the temperature decreased significantly. But while the distance was increased, the efficiency of temerpature decrease didn't be promoted relatively. 3. We can predict the insulation performance of fire protection curtains in different size through the analysis of dimension effect.


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一、 書籍
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