  • 學位論文


Wireless Sensor Network Based Power Management and Low-Dropout Regulator for Quality Agriculture Application

指導教授 : 鍾文耀


本論文為開發電源管理系統及低壓降穩壓器以應用於農場無線感測節點之電源系統中。本研究之無線感測節點,使用ZigBee無線傳輸技術與感測器收集農場溫室的環境參數,建立資料庫與參數模型。其中所使用的ZigBee晶片為德州儀器CC2530產品,運用其晶片的特性與無線傳輸功能,結合商用感測器:溫度、濕度、土壤濕度、光度、葉綠素、CO2等元件之分析及應用,與本論文所開發之太陽能電源管理系統、低壓降穩壓器,建立一套具有太陽能電源管理之農業無線感測網路系統。 本研究之重點為使用太陽能板與降壓充電IC,充電至18650鋰電池,使電池輸出電壓電流再經由低壓差線性穩壓器(Low-dropout regulator, LDO),做降壓與提供穩定電壓輸出至CC2530節點,使得太陽能板與充電電池達到最佳管理與整合。運用LDO的原理,設計一個用在18650鋰電池的低壓差線性穩壓器,由3.7V轉成適合CC2530晶片及各個感測器所需的工作電壓3.3V,目前已有完整的雛型系統實現,也在農場架設節點並收集環境參數。


This research is mainly aimed to build a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) for quality agriculture application by using the Zigbee technology standard and TI’s CC2530 chip. Commercially available sensors were utilized specifically for temperature, humidity, soil moisture, light, chlorophyll, and CO2 monitoring. A database of the sensing information will also be built for assessment and evaluation of the environmental condition, risk management and data log recording. These resources can feed back to farmer’s cell phones through a decision support system. The system will be deployed into a farm to comprise an environmental monitoring system. This research focuses on the use of solar panels and the buck converter IC to charge 18650 Lithium ion batteries. The battery output will be coupled to a Low-Dropout (LDO) regulator, then generate a stable voltage to the CC2530 node. Solar panels will be integrated with the rechargeable batteries to yield more efficient power management. This paper proposes a LDO design for 18650 Lithium ion batteries. It will convert a supply voltage from 3.7V into 3.3V for driving the CC2530 and the sensors.


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