  • 學位論文


Decision support system for prioritizing national infrastructure investment based on fuzzy evaluation method

指導教授 : 曾仁杰 王世旭


過去研究已證實模糊評價方法可用於評估國家基礎建設發展狀態。透過模糊評價方法,政策決策者可更準確判斷各項指標之領先及落後程度,並運用判別矩陣瞭解各項指標之相對狀態,以研擬國家基礎建設可能需提升之重點項目。惟模糊評價方法之計算過程較為繁複,且模式使用涉及群集化分析、模糊理論等分析技術,可能造成一般政策決策或審議人員使用上之困難,影響模糊評價方法之實用性。本研究根據模糊評價方法之計算程序,以Visual Basic程式語言為開發工具,並結合SPSS、MATLAB及Microsoft Excel等統計軟體,建置具有自動匯入統計資料、自動運算、建立模糊評價判別矩陣、建立學習地圖及建立國家基礎競爭力相對程度雷達圖之決策支援系統,提供政府單位及研究人員使用。研究結果顯示,本系統未限制指標之數量、分佈狀態及類型,因此在分析IMD國際調查報告上,運用本系統進行分析,可大幅縮短運算時間及提升計算結果之準確性。


Reseaches have indicated that fuzzy evaluation method can be used to evaluate the developing state of the National Infrastructure. The policymakers can define the leading and behind levels correctly through fuzzy evalution, understand the relative state of the various indications by using the discrimination matrix, and to study the important items of National Infrastructure which may be promoted. However, the fuzzy evaluation method is difficult to use for policymakers because there are some complicated calculations such as cluster analysis and fuzzy functions. Based on the fuzzy evaluation method, the present model calculates the data, creates the discrimination matrix, creates the learning map and the competitive radar graph automatically by creating a support system using Visual Basic programming, and combining the SPSS, MATLAB and Microsoft Excel. Based on the proposed model, the automated analysis can reduce the calculation by a wide range, and improve the decision quality that may be useful to the policymakers.


Decision support system


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