  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 謝浩明


公車捷運系統BRT(Bus Rapid Transit)又可稱快捷巴士,設置目的係可節省較一般公車更多的行車時間,使公車系統的營運環境和品質提升,使大眾運輸系統的營運績效增加吸引更多旅客使用,另一方面可以透過專用路權與簡化車流的功能,進而提高道路的服務功能,使都會區的交通得到紓解。 台中市為台灣第二個擁有BRT之城市,主要為了紓緩台灣大道日漸擁塞的交通,而本研究主要以台中市BRT試營運後對於乘客與用路人的影響作研究,而研究內容主要包含兩部分,第一部分為蒐集道路相關資料以作為評估的標準,因此本研究透過台中市交通局索取到的台灣大道快車道VD 資料中對於台灣大道營運前與營運後的平均速率與平均旅行時間做一比較,發現約有一半車道有惡化一半有改善的情況產生,且靠近BRT車道之快車道有較高的比例會受到衝擊。第二部分為利用問卷調查之方式了解BRT乘客與BRT專用道周圍之快車道小客車用路人對於台中市BRT營運後的親身感受,得知乘客認為BRT所提供之服務大致上為普通偏滿意的情況,而快車道用路人約一半的比例認為BRT的營運會影響其駕駛、對安全造成影響與增加行駛的旅行時間。 台中市BRT於2015年3月23日經過BRT體檢小組討論後將於7月改制為公車專用道,原先的BRT公車改為「300號公車」繼續營運,且由原先的車外收費改為車內收費,本研究亦會討論新措施可能對交通帶來的衝擊與影響,做為未來施政之參考。


The purpose of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is to save journey time more than the general bus, which can also enhance the operating environment, the quality of the bus system and the improvement of operating performance will attract more visitors to use.On the other hand, It can be simplified the traffic flow through a dedicated right of way traffic function, thus improving the service function of the road, and relieve the traffic congestion of metropolitan areas. As Taiwan's second city owned BRT, Taichung BRT mainly to alleviate the growing traffic congestion of Taiwan road, and this research is to study about after the trial operation of Taichung BRT impact for passengers and road users-effects. This study consists of two parts, the first part is collect relevant information about road as a standard to assessment. So this study use VD data of the Department of Transportation Taichung in the Taiwan Road’s fast lane before and after Taichung BRT initial operations of average speed and average travel time and make a comparison, It found that about half of the lanes became the worse and half have improved, and the fast lane near BRT lane has higher proportion will be the impact. The second part is use questionnaire survey to understand the satisfaction of passengers and fast lanes vehicle users after Taichung BRT operations, The study result reveals that passengers consider the services is general biased satisfaction, and about half the proportion of the fast lane users considers the Taichung BRT has affected their driving safety and made their travel time increased. After the examination discussion on March 23, 2015, Taichung city hall decided to turn the BRT lanes to bus lanes, original BRT buses replaced to "NO.300 Bus" and continue operation, and the charge was changed from the original external to interior charges , this study will also discuss the new measures may impact on traffic and influence, as a reference to the policy of the future.


6.林良泰、葉昭甫、陳蓉鑫,「臺中市快捷巴士(BRT)藍線優先路線規劃與設計」,都市交通 ; 27-28 卷,頁168-183,民國102年12月。
