  • 期刊


Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Problems and Management for School-Aged Children


注意力不足過動症(attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)是學齡期兒童最常見的神經發展障礙之一,各國報告18歲以下兒童的盛行率範圍為0.2 ~ 34%,平均約為7.2%,且男孩比女孩多。雖然已知ADHD與遺傳有關,但明確致病因素仍未知,環境因素、基因以及其交互作用都可能扮演重要的角色。ADHD的核心症狀包括注意力不足以及過動—衝動特徵,並且常伴隨其他共病症,包括智能障礙、自閉症類群障礙以及發展性動作協調障礙等。ADHD不僅干擾兒童的學習與活動參與,影響社交行為,甚至可能持續至成年時期,導致不良的身心健康後果,因此兒童時期即應開始積極治療,以期增進個人長期的健康。目前仍無治癒ADHD的方法,臨床上常使用的治療包括藥物治療、行為治療以及運動與體能活動治療,這些治療都有研究證據顯示其可以有效降低ADHD患童的核心症狀、改善學業表現並增進人際社會互動。此外,密集介入的暑期治療計畫或是合併不同治療方法的介入計畫都顯示可以達到不錯的治療效果,並且可以減少單一種治療的劑量與缺點。


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders during school age. The prevalence rate of ADHD is about 7.2%, more in boys than girls. Although the definite cause remains unknown, ADHD is thought to be highly heritable and related to genes, environmental factors, as well as their interactions. Children with ADHD show core symptoms of inattention and/or hyperactive-impulsive behaviors. High concurrent comorbidity with other neurodevelopmental disorders, such as intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, and developmental coordination disorder. ADHD interferes children's learning and participation in various activities, trouble their social relations, and may cause or lead to adverse physical and psychosocial health outcomes in adulthood. It is important to initiate treatment for ADHD during childhood. Although there is currently no cure for ADHD, evidence-based treatments, including medication, behavioral therapy and exercise are shown to reduce core ADHD symptoms, improve academic performance and enhance social relations. Summer treatment programs that incorporate intensive intervention with various types of treatments demonstrates positive effects with reduced dosage and disadvantage of single treatment.


