  • 學位論文


Parental functions and Peer Influence on College Students’ Perception of Dating Violence

指導教授 : 沈瓊桃


約會關係是青少年晚期階段中,一個相當普遍與重要的活動。在彼此分享親密感的同時,也必須學習並處理約會關係中可能產生的暴力行為。本研究希望從經歷約會暴力者的角度出發,探討家庭及同儕因素是否顯著影響大學生對約會暴力的自我覺察,並比較兩因素影響程度之高低。 本研究以量化之研究典範進行研究,採用問卷調查法進行施測,研究樣本以分層隨機抽樣方法,抽取23間大專院校不同通識課程領域的修課學生,目前現有或曾有約會經驗者參與研究。測量工具包括家庭功能量表、同儕影響力量表以及約會暴力量表,並使用SPSS統計軟體進行多項式邏輯斯迴歸分析(multinomial logistic regression),釐清在控制背景變項的情況下,家庭與同儕對約會暴力自我覺察之關連。 本研究共計回收666份有效問卷。研究結果發現大專院校學生的約會暴力盛行率為60.5%,其中,有遭受暴力經驗者佔所有有約會暴力經驗大學生的51.8%;施加暴力則佔44.3%,且以控制行為的約會暴力經驗盛行率最高、次之為肢體暴力、最後則為性暴力。在約會暴力自我覺察的結果中,發現在控制變項的情況下,性別、學業成績、與同儕影響力對約會暴力自我覺察的程度有顯著的預測能力。男性對施加約會暴力行為以及施加控制行為的覺察上,較能夠發現此行為屬於暴力的一種。當有經歷約會暴力經驗的大學生成績越佳時,他們比較能夠覺察到自己所施加的約會暴力和控制行為,以及自己所遭受的肢體暴力是一種暴力行為。另外,當同儕越支持約會暴力,大學生的約會暴力受暴自我覺察程度越低。但同儕影響力卻無法預測約會暴力施暴的結果。 根據研究結果,研究者建議未來除了需要加強青少年的約會暴力教育,更需要將重點置於大學生對控制行為的自我覺察,以及女性大學生對約會暴力的自我覺察。研究指出,控制行為的盛行率雖然比例最高,但大學生對控制行為此約會暴力的自我覺察反而最低。除此之外,女性相較於男性,對特定約會暴力的自我覺察亦較低,顯示未來需要針對這些部分進行觀念的強化。另外,我們也需要加強同儕對約會暴力的正確態度,以減緩同儕對約會暴力的支持。從同儕對約會暴力態度的角度切入,提升大學生的自我覺察能力。最後,我們可以透過整合約會暴力通報與危機之介入並促進法律之合法性,以保障有約會暴力經驗者能夠獲得適切的資源與協助。


This paper focuses on violent dating experiences college students have, and examines whether two factors, family function and peer influence, will significantly predict perceptions of dating violence. This study employed a quantitative research method and the data were collected by questionnaire survey. The researcher selected a stratified random sample of college students who had dating relationships from 23 universities. The measurements included family functioning scale, informal support scale, and dating violence scale. Analysis was conducted by SPSS for 16.0. Data analysis adopted multinomial logistic regression to examine the relationships between independent and dependent variables. There were 666 effective questionnaires received. The prevalence of dating violence was about 60.5%. The proportion of dating violence victimistion was 51.8%, and the proportion of dating violence perpetration was 44.3%. For different types of dating violence, the most common type was controlling behavior, followed by physical violence, and the last was sexual violence. For the perception of dating violence, this study found gender, grade, and peer influence could significantly predict perception of dating violence. Male college students had a greater degree of awareness of dating violence and controlling behavior than female college students did. Students with better grades also had a greater degree of awareness of dating violence, controlling behavior, and physical abuse. When peers of college students are more supportive of dating violence, the students will have a lower degree of awareness of dating violence victimistion. However, peers’ support for dating violence could not predict awareness of dating violence perpetration. The research results suggest that we should educate teenagers about dating violence, focusing on the awareness of controlling behavior, and reinforcing the awareness of dating violence for females. On the one hand, the prevalence of controlling behavior is the highest, but college students have the lowest degree of awareness concerning this. On the other hand, females have a lower degree of awareness of dating violence than males. Therefore, we need to concentrate on those issues. We also have to promote the opposition towards dating violence and reduce support for dating violence. Last but not the least, we could collaborate with different systems to provide supporting service and legitimate to provide help for suitable assistance.


