  • 學位論文


Busying Production, Running Business, and Making a Livelihood: The Vocational Predicament of Artisans in Yilan Old Town

指導教授 : 劉可強


本研究以宜蘭舊城工匠在其店家的生活經驗為材料,就工匠經營的生活世界與行業面臨的生存現實探討行業處境的種種面向。採用質性研究的取徑,從深度訪談法釐清工匠的內在思考;由參與觀察法紀錄行業的生產文化,站在個人身分角色、店家空間使用與社會關係網絡的現有資源之上,進一步討論工匠在外部現實的影響與內在定位的擺盪中,形成思考行業延續的態度。   藉著有關手工技藝與勞動生產、台灣工藝發展變遷、傳統工藝保存、社會階級與店家生活等等現有文獻的鋪陳,本研究認為技藝蘊含個人職業與行業處境轉化的機會,而行業文化與店家空間存在著動態關係;基於工匠作為整合社會文化的重要環節,店家空間足以具體展現工藝所承載的公共價值。本研究發現工匠的生活世界立基於他們身兼作工人、生意人與文化傳播者的多重身分,這些角色相異的職務造成其店家空間的混合使用,也構成工匠與工匠、工匠與客群之間交織的社會關係。工匠的生存現實則受到賴以維生的網絡與社會整體結構產生遽變的影響,加上手工生產力在工業化時代面臨貶值,個人經濟壓力所籠罩的憂鬱氣氛揮之不去,造成他們對行業前景侷限於老實的行動想像。   綜合本研究的分析指出:工匠的多重身分使得他們對技藝傳承產生內在矛盾,而生產力、人力與口碑生意的規模,促使工匠保守地看待行業延續。店舖、家屋與工廠混用的店家空間與行業文化相互依存,臨街的開放性與生產的展示性,使得店家具有成為替代性公共空間的機會。工匠面對行業傳承的掙扎,應從個人職業考量拓展到公共文化議題來思考,使其行業處境的轉化得以可能。


工匠 技藝 工藝 生產文化 行業處境 宜蘭舊城


This research attempts to present multi-dimensions of artisans’ vocational predicament in Yilan old town by examining their daily life experiences. In-depth interview and participant observation are adopted here to discover artisans’ inner thoughts and to record the producing culture. Furthermore, this research proceeds to analyze artisans’ attitude towards the sustainability of their job based on the aspects of personal identity, spacial exercise, and social network.   Through the study of literary review on handicraft, the development of craftwork in Taiwan, preservation of traditional profession, social class, and the shop life style, this research assumes the craft itself possesses the potential to improve the vocational predicament and suggests the dynamic interaction between business culture and shop space. Since artisans perform as the critical intermediators who integrate social culture, the shops become the embodiment of the public value carried by the craftwork. This research further argues that the multiple roles of an artisan-worker, manager and communicator, effect the mix use in the shop and weave the social connections of artisans and consumers. As a matter of fact, artisans live under great economical pressure due to the decline of handicraft in the age of mechanical reproduction. Hence, most artisans tend to take conservative attitudes towards the picture of their future.   This research comes to the conclusion that the multiple roles of artisans influence their willing to sustain the craft. Accounts like the limited scale of production, human resource, and word-of-mouth marketing also cause artisans feel conservative about the vocational sustainability. Besides, the mix use of the shop, the house, and the workshop are interdependent with business culture. Thus, the display of the shop makes it possible to become alternate public space. All in all, if the struggle of artisans’ personal consideration extends to the consensus of public issue, the vocational predicament might invert.




