  • 期刊


"Introduction to Literary Classics" at National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology-Cultivating Wisdom in General Education




In recent years, the concept of cultivating ”wisdom” as opposed to teaching knowledge in general education has received close attention from educators. The purpose of this paper is to explore the instructional components involved in designing such courses. To carry out this project, the authors offered a course entitled ”Introduction to Literary Classics” at National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology. In planning this course, we sought to investigate whether students could foster higher-level ability to discover issues, analyze problems, and resolve conflicts through a critical approach to the reading of literary texts. In addition, interactive learning activities were designed to develop students' independent and critical thinking skills, and at the same time, help young-adult students observe how they form and change their value systems. In order to provide a useful reference for other course designers, we discuss in detail important pedagogical aspects of this course-including learning approaches, learning objectives, selections of referenced reading materials, teacher roles, learner roles, teaching techniques, and classroom activities. We also provide an evaluation of learning effectiveness and student feedback in relation to our course design and classroom activities.
