  • 期刊


The Study of Analyzing the First Learning Stage Textbook Contents of Health and Physical Education



本研究之主要目的,旨在探討健康與體育領域第一階段民間版教科書之內容架構,是否契合九年一貫課程綱要所揭櫫之理念、精神與目標,以及是否含括主題軸、十大基本能力、階段能力指標和領域目標,籍以做為國小第一階段從事健康與體育學習領域教學之教師及其相關人員評選教科書之酌參,同時提供民間版本教科書編撰者及其書商修訂或改版時之參考。 本研究採文件分析、內容分析及訪談法,針對第一階段健康與體育學習領域民間各版本教科書,就研究所設定之課題與目的予於分析和探討。研究資料之處理,文件與內容分析,採「定量」與「定性」方式行之;訪談則就所訪取之內容予歸納、綜理和分析。研究結果發現: 一、五個民間版本教科書課程內容的課程類型,多採分科課程設計模式設計課程。 二、主題軸之出現頻度以運動技能居首,次為生長發展、運動參與和健康心理之序。能力指標數之頻度,各版本總計約出現62%左右;基本能力之出現頻度,以一、二、四、七、十最多,八、九最少。六大議題之出現頻度,資訊教育議題為零,而人權教育、家政教育和兩性教育三個議題最多。 三、五個民間版本教科書的课程結構,在學習主題以三至五個主題為主,學習單元數則為9至32個,而在健康與體育配比分量上,健康多於體育。 四、五個民間版本教科書的學習評量設計,在傳統的學習評量多採單一的「操作」學習評量,且多為體育成分為主的單元。而健康成分為主的學習單元,多採「觀察、自評、發表、問答」等多元的學習評量。其次,健康與體育成分各半的學習單元,則採傳統與多元評量混和方式評量。 五、國小教師及健康與體育領域輔導員對民間版本教科書在課程內容成分的觀點與看法在課程類型,統整課程設計較不足;綱要成分之主題軸、能力指標、基本能力和六大議題之達成性與契合性,基本上符合課程需求,但基本能力與六大議題略顯分佈失衡;課程結構部分教科書之主題數與單元數明顯不足,且健康與體育的比列明顯不均衡;在學習評量方面,各版本教科書皆採多元評量方式實施學習成就評量,應可據實評量學生的學習成效。


The purpose of this study was to explore whether the framework of first learning stage textbook contents of Health and Physical education fit the concept, spirit, and goals of Grade 1-9 Curriculum or not. It also viewed if the textbook contents include the topics, Ten Core Competence, competence benchmarks, and learning area goals. Then, it can offer a consultation to school teachers and textbook publishers choosing or correcting the textbooks. We took the way of document analysis to collect the first grade textbooks of Health and Physical education which were published by five different presses and analyze them. We also took an interview with the Health and Physical education teachers and counselors to understand their opinions of the textbook contents. About the data processing, we joined the quantitative analysis and quality analysis together. The results of study were as follows: 1. Among the five presses, most of them used the ”Separated Subject Model” to design curriculum. 2. The topic of ”Motor Skills” was represented most frequently, then were the topics of ”Growth and Development”, ”Sports Participation”, and ”Psychological Health”. In the regard of competence benchmarks, there were about 62% had addressed. About the ”Ten Core Competences”, the competence of 1, 2, 4, 7, and 10 were represented most frequently, comparatively, the competence of 8 and 9 were represented least. About the ”Six Themes”, the themes of ”Human Rights Education”, ”Home Economics Education”, and ”Gender Education” were represented most frequently, but all of five presses didn't talk about the ”Information Technology Education” during the first grade. 3. About the curriculum framework, all of five presses had 3-5 learning topics and 9-32 learning units. To deserve to be mentioned, the proportion of Health education is more than Physical education. 4. In the part of Physical education, it used the traditional way that was ”operation” to evaluate the performance; and in the part of Health education, it used the multiple ways such as ”observation”, ”file assessment”, and ”asking & answering” to evaluate the learning outcomes. 5. Health and Physical education teachers and counselors considered that the integrated curriculum were insufficient; the proportion of ”Ten Core Competences” and ”Six Themes” were not appropriate; learning topics and units were not enough; Health education and Physical education were imbalanced. They thought that using multiple evaluation can help teachers to know the learning effects of students.


