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Differences in Course Satisfaction and Learning Effectiveness for Sport Education Model Incorporated into College Table Tennis Teaching




Purpose: The study aims to understand the differences in course satisfaction and learning effectiveness for sport education model incorporated into college table tennis teaching. Method: Two sophomore compulsory table tennis classes of students were chosen and randomly divided into two groups, sport education model (40 people) and traditional teaching (35 people). In the beginning of the semester, they had a pre-test on skills of forehand plays and backhand plays. In the end of the semester, the participants had a posttest on skills of forehand plays and backhand plays, a written test and a questionnaire on the course satisfaction. Result: (1) In terms of posttest on skills of backhand plays (t=16.616, p<.05) and skills of forehand plays (t=11.390, p<.05), the group of sport education model was much better than the group of traditional teaching. (2) The result of the written test by the group of sport education model was significantly better than the group of traditional teaching (t=5.896, p<.05). (3) As for forehand plays and backhand plays, both of the two groups had better performance in the posttest than in the pre-test. (4) The group of sport education model was significantly better than the group of traditional teaching on "peer relationship" (t=9.259, p<.05), whereas traditional teaching group was significantly better than sport education model group on "hardware facilities" (t=-2.337, p<.05). Conclusion: (1) Traditional teaching method and sport education model both have good effects on college students' table tennis skills. But teaching method of sport education model is more effective in learning than traditional teaching method. (2) The integration of sport education model into college table tennis course can enhance peer relationship and team cohesiveness.


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