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Transcending Nationalism: Historical Education and Rethinking of Human Rights by the "Women's Active Museum on War and Peace" in Japan


第二次世界大戰之後,作為創傷記憶及建構集體認同的場域,許多以戰爭為主題的博物館紛紛創建。然而二戰期間,日軍「慰安婦」的創傷歷史卻一直隱而未見,直到1991 年,第一位出面指控日軍戰時性暴力的南韓受害者金學順(Kim, Hak-Soon,音譯)出現之後,各國受害女性陸續現身,這一段歷史才有被看見的可能。但日本政府不斷否認其戰時「強徵」女性成為「慰安婦」,更將戰時「慰安婦」歷史自教科書中抹去。相對於日本官方的作為,日本民間團體則廣泛蒐集「慰安婦」制度之史料,並於2005 年成立了「女性的戰爭與和平資料館」(Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace),企圖超越國族本位主義,透過展示各國的「慰安婦」議題,傳遞史實並進而傳達人權教育理念。本研究首先爬梳「慰安婦」議題的歷史脈絡及當代的倡議運動,說明日本社會對「慰安婦」議題的態度;並以「女性的戰爭與和平資料館」為研究個案,透過訪談與展示分析,探討其成立的理念與展示內涵,分析其透過創傷歷史之反思及跨國界合作,以倡議女性人權,並勾勒出日本民間團體對戰時暴行的自省態度及其所面臨的挑戰,以此探討博物館在歷史教育及人權反思中的社會責任。


Following the end of World War II, the establishment of memorial museums has led to the creation of a field of representation of traumatic memories and construction of collective identification. However, the history of "comfort women", meaning women who were sexually exploited by the Japanese military, remained hidden until Hak-Sun Kim, a South Korean survivor came forward in 1991. Since then, survivors around the world have told their stories. However, the Japanese government has constantly denied responsibility and removed the narrative on "comfort women" from history textbooks. In response, Japanese civic groups have been working to collect historical materials related to "comfort women". The "Women's Active Museum on War and Peace" opened in 2005 in an attempt to carry out human rights education and transcend the nationalist perspective through exhibitions that highlight the issues of and that convey the historical facts related to "comfort women". The aims of this study are to review the historical context and contemporary advocacy movements of, as well as to describe the attitudes of Japanese society toward, "comfort women". In addition, connotations of exhibitions and conceptions of the "Women's Active Museum on War and Peace" are investigated through interviews and analyses of exhibitions. By analyzing the way museums rethink traumatic history and implement cross-country cooperation, as well as outlining the introspective attitudes of Japanese civic groups' toward war crimes and the challenges they face, the social responsibility of museums in terms of historical education and rethinking of human rights can be explored.


