  • 學位論文


SPM Technology for Machining Tree-Dimensional Nano Patterns

指導教授 : 顏家鈺


本文藉由掃描式探針顯微鏡提出三維的奈米微影。以前的研究已經可以證明伺服控制對壓電材料能產生有效的三維控制。然而對於試片材料的動態掌握,且用於微影上尚未有有效的結論。本篇研究指出利用探針與試片的特性,及多種微影的演算法則使得試片表面上的材料有推擠,排開的效果。並且探討成因及比較彼此的差異性。本篇論文顯示經由特殊的演算法則,可以得到更為立體的微影圖形。此外介紹 Model Reference Control(I/O linearization control),可以由設計過程,看到其模擬表現,並且藉由實驗,驗證此控制符合設計的需求。


This thesis addresses the 3-dimensional scanning probe microscope (SPM) lithography. Previous researches have shown that servo control imposes significant effect on the behavior of the piezo-electric actuators used in the SPM system; however, there is very little discussion on the dynamics of sample material and lithography effect. This paper points out that the debris can be push and squeezed by the properly controlling the relationship between the probe and the sample. The thesis shows that an appropriate multi-dimensional lithography algorithm is essential to good 3D lithography and discusses the corresponding effects. This paper also addresses the more concrete lithography results by special algorithm. The design procedure for a model reference controller is also presented to achieve dynamic matching among different axes. The experimental results confirm the design specifications.


SPM PZT Model reference control


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