  • 學位論文


Taiwan and the Aeroplane Development during the Japanese Colonial Period, 1906-1945

指導教授 : 林呈蓉


1895年日本統治台灣後,即將許多西方科技引進殖民地台灣,這其中則包含代表當時最新科技的航空技術,並在明治末期開始被總督府運用在對原住民的征討、觀光參訪行程,以及山林的調查,因此台灣航空發展的肇始可以說與「理蕃政策」有著密不可分的關係。另外,為了更確實將航空科技用於「理蕃政策」的執行,1919年總督府則成立台灣第一個正式航空機構「警察航空班」,該單位除定期執行「蕃地飛行」等任務外,同時也將相關的技術、人員及經驗大量地引進台灣,並奠定了台灣早期航空發展的基礎。 1927年「警察航空班」因國防因素廢止後,日本軍方乃將原本駐防於九州太刀洗的陸軍飛行第八聯隊移防至台灣屏東,並開啟軍方航空部隊常駐台灣的新頁。而該聯隊駐防台灣的原因,主要則與1921年「華盛頓海軍軍縮」,以及1930年「倫敦海軍軍縮」有著相當直接的關係。因為一戰後的兩次「海軍軍縮條約」除限定締約國海軍主力艦的比例外,條約內容也限定了日本海軍航空部隊往後在台灣的發展,並且直接影響到日本陸軍航空兵力改編與整理,以及駐防於台灣的決定。因此,兩次的「海軍軍縮條約」,對於軍方航空部隊在台灣的發展來說,可說是扮演舉足輕重的關鍵角色。另外,隨著一戰後日本民用航空事業的興起,也同時開啟了連結台灣與日本的曙光。不過台灣相關的航線開設計畫,乃因技術、政策與預算問題,遲至1930年代中期才逐漸實現。1936年「內台定期航線」成功開設後,除將台灣與日本連結起來外,因台灣的特殊位置,日本官方則開始將台灣視為「航空南進政策」重點,並以台灣為中心向華南及南洋區域開設相關航線,逐漸將台灣推向「帝國南方航空圈」的中心位置,以獲得更多經貿競爭及軍事戰略之先機。 此外,航空科技引進台灣後,台灣民眾則開始藉由飛行表演的舉辦,接觸到西方的新式科技,因此飛機可以說是當時認識西方新式科技最佳教材之一。特別是在學生的航空教育方面,除了安排學生參訪飛行表演及航空基地外,在學校課程與教材上也多有相關的內容介紹。1930年以後,台灣社會因戰爭因素所舉辦的航空相關活動,則更加深學生及民眾在「航空報國」上面的熱心,加上透過當時官方及民間航空團體的推廣,使得越來越多的學生對於飛行產生嚮往,並投考當時唯一對台灣人開放的「少年飛行兵」試驗,成為保家「衛國」的先驅。


In 1895, Japan governed and colonized and introduced many western technologies, including the representative and updated aviation. Taiwan Governor-General then incorporated the technologies in the beginning of the 20th Century in the expedition, visiting tour and forest investigation into the aboriginal tribes. Thus, the commencement of aviatic development is significantly related to the implementation of “Aborigine-District policy.” In addition, to assure the exact application of the aviation technology in the Aborigine-District policy, Taiwan Governor-General established the first official aviatic institution—Aviation Police Office—which was to regularly carry out the tasks “Aboriginal Land Flight.” Meanwhile, the relevant techniques, personnel and experiences were tremendously led in Taiwan and settled the initial foundation of aviatic development. Since the Aviation Police Office was terminated due to national defense in 1927, Japanese military deployed the 8st Regiment of Army Air Force, originally garrisoned in Kyushu Tachiarai, to Ping-Tung and started the new phase that military air force troop permanently settled in Taiwan. And the reason the troop settled in Taiwan was directly related to The Washington Naval Treaty in 1921 and The London Naval Treaty in 1930. Explicitly speaking, these two naval treaties after the World War I not only limited the proportion of battleships in the signed nations, but also restricted Japanese navy and air force troop’s development in Taiwan. The treaties directly affected the reorganization and deployment to Japanese military and air force and the decision-making about garrisoning in Taiwan. Therefore, the two naval treaties played a decisive role on the development of air force troops in Taiwan. Further, along with the rise of Japanese civil aviation industry, the possible linkage between Taiwan and Japan was then initiated. However, the plan of establishing Taiwan’s air routes was not implemented until middle of 1930’s due to the problems of technique, policy and budget. In 1936, the “Japan-Taiwan Airline” was successfully established and linking Taiwan and Japan. With Taiwan’s extraordinary geographical feature, Japan officials started to take Taiwan as the emphasis of “South China and South Seas policy and Aeroplane policy” for obtaining more opportunities in economy, trading and military strategies. Furthermore, after aviation technology has been introduced, people in Taiwan gained accesses to the western new technologies through air shows. Simply put, airplane was one of best sources to learn the western new technologies. The aviation education, especially, was incorporated with not only attending air shows and visiting airbases, but also the relevant instructions and materials in schools. Since 1930, due to the war, the activities held for presenting aviation technologies further ignited students’ and people’s passion about devotion to the country by engaging in aviation. And, with the advocacy by official and civil aviation organizations, more students looked forward to aviating and then enrolled the ”Junior flying Aviation” that first opened to Taiwanese, which became the pioneer of defenders and protectors to the country.


1932 年 )。
Edgerton, David England and the Aeroplane: An Essay on a Militant and


謝明諭(2015)。戰後台灣流行文化中的「日本」再現 -中日、太平洋戰爭記憶為例-〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2015.00128
