  • 學位論文


Fire Field Simulation and Analysis for Si-Ji Hotel

指導教授 : 林誠興


桃園四季飯店火場模擬與研究 學生:宋 正 雄 指導教授:林 誠 興 博士 元 智 大 學 機 械 工 程 研 究 所 摘 要 台灣的經濟發展迅速,造就了都會區人口急速增加且密集化,生活水準不斷提高,休閒娛樂朝向多元化擴張,並隨著科學技術的進步,工業產品種類日益繁多,導致經常發生震憾人心的重大火災,造成嚴重的人員傷亡與財物損失,因此有必要對火災發生做進一步深入的研究與分析,以達到有效的預防功能。 本研究主要是利用電腦數值模擬的方法,來了解火災現場各種物理及化學現象。以區域模式 (Zone model) 的架構,配合美國國家標準局火災實驗室所發展的程式CFAST軟體,進行桃園四季飯店案例的模擬。探討當時火場內部的溫度分佈、氣層高度(煙冗降)、一氧化碳濃度及含氧百分比等狀況。並依據火場實際情形,規劃增設消防排煙設備、灑水設備、改變不同隔間材質和變更主火源的熱釋放率,研究這些不同情境,了解大樓火災對人員所造成的衝擊。 最後再利用這些這些電腦模擬所產生的數據加以分析研究,同時參考目前消防相關法令及防火管理資訊,而提出有利的避難逃生方式,以期望在火災發生時可使人員傷亡與財物損失降至最低。


Fire Field Simulation and Analysis for Si-Ji Hotel Student:Alex Sung Advisor:C.S. Lin Institute of Mechanical Engineering YUAN-ZE University ABSTRACT Following the rapid economic development in Taiwan, the populations in urban area grew in both number and in density. The continued improvement of living standard, recreational entertainment expands in diversified direction. In the meantime, the progress in science and technology, industrial products are growing in varieties and in quantity. All these factors putting together, alarming, even devastating fires, followed with loss of life, personal injury and property damage are becoming daily expectation. Therefore, it is necessary to make an in-depth research and analysis to be able to prevent such tragedies and losses. In this research, computer numerical simulation is applied to understand the physical and chemical phenomena in the fire field. Zone Model structure and the CFAST software, developed by Fire Laboratory in American National Bureau of Standards, are adopted to do simulation of Si-Ji Hotel Fire, to study the temperature distribution, gas layer height (smoke settling),concentration of CO and percentage of oxygen contents in the fire site at the time of fire. Based on the simulation, it was planned to increase fire fighting and smoke exhausting equipment, sprinkler equipment, changing material of partition and changing the heating releasing rate of main fire source to study the impact on personnel of the fire under different scenarios. The data generated from computer simulation was analyzed and studied, and by incorporating current firefighting law and regulation and fire management information, we have developed a favorable escaping method, which may be followed by persons encountering fire to keep the loss of life and property it their minimums.


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【4】W.K. Chow,“Study on the Flashover Criteria for Compartmental
【5】J.G. Quintiere, “Chemistry and Physics of Fire”,Principle of Fire
【6】Walter W. Jones,“A Multi-compartment Model For the Spread of Fire ,Smoke and


