  • 學位論文


The Study of The Relation between The Elementary School Teacher Attended In-service Education and The Teaching Efficacy

指導教授 : 李弘暉


國民小學教師在職進修對教學效能關聯性之研究 研究生:馬蕙慈 指導教授:李弘暉博士 元智大學管理研究所 摘 要 本研究旨在探討以進修動機、制度規定與學習型組織等三個面向,對國小教師參與在職進修對教學效能的呈現,有何關聯性的影響因素存在。 問卷回收以統計方法分析處理,獲致實證的研究發現如下: 壹、 國小教師在職進修影響因素 一、國民小學教師參與在職進修以「進修動機」影響為最強,其次是「學習型組織」的影響,最後才是「制度規定」。 二、在進修方式與時間的選擇上,以參加週三下午「一般學校研習機構」為絕大多數(約佔60﹪~70﹪左右)。 貳、國小教師對學習型組織參與的現況 一、規模小型的學校較無讀書會團體的存在。 二、國小教師對於學習型組織的投入學習僅限於適應性階段。 參、國小教師在職進修面向對教學效能的呈現 一、 中壢市地區整體教師教學效能平均數為3.8,屬於「中」的表現。 二、 教師整體教學效能的呈現,受到制度規定的影響較為明顯。 肆、國小教師在職進修方式對學習型組織的影響 一、 齊頭式學習顯然已不合時宜,應給予差異化的教育訓練。 二、 學校行政單位需將「學校本位」課程落實學習型組織發展,重視各校特色專業體質,培養教師推展特色的能力。 根據上述研究結論提出以下建議,作為辦理國民小學在職進教育,與促進教師永續學習的參考: 一、學校行政單位應積極提出具體進修計劃,針對不同教學生涯的教師,給予差異化的教育訓練刺激,符合教師的成長需求,同時促進教師的學習動機,幫助學校創造有價值的知識。 二、藉由人力資源管理的應用,與學習型組織型態的發展,集思廣益,才能建立辦學好口碑,發揮「磁性學校」效應。 三、制定完善的教師分級與師資職能檢定,輔導並培育具備「教育愛」的專業人員投入教職工作。 關鍵辭:磁性學校、學校本位、教師在職進修、教師教學效能


The Study of The Relation between The Elementary School Teacher Attended In-service Education and The Teaching Efficacy Student:Hui-Tzu Ma Advisor:Dr. Hung-Hui Li Graduate School of Management Yuan-Ze University ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to investigate how motivation, institution rules and learning organization can effect teachers’ participation in in-service education and teaching efficacy, and how these three factors are related to one another. The result of the questionnaire is analyzed statistically and come out with the following findings: 1.The factors that influence elementary school teachers’ willingness for in-service education: (1) Motivation plays the most part in influencing elementary school teachers’ willingness for in-service education. Learning organization plays the less part. Institution rules have the least effect. (2) As for the pattern and choice of time of in-service education, most teachers (60~70%) choose “common in-service institutions” on Wednesday afternoons 2. The state of elementary school teachers’ participation in learning organization (1) Study groups are less common in small-scale schools. (2) Elementary school teachers’ participation in learning organization is in an adaptive phase. 3. The effect of in-service education on teaching efficacy (1) The average score of overall teaching efficacy in Chungli city is 3.8. This score falls in the range of mediocre performance. (2) Teaching efficacy is more effected by institution rules. 4. The effect of the pattern of in-service education on learning organization (1) Differential education training should be given. (2) School administration should establish a learning organization with its focus on school-based curriculum. Based upon the result of this research, following suggestions are proposed: 1.School administration should propose a specific in-service education program. Differential education should be offered to teachers in order to meet teachers’ career plans or needs, and promote teachers’ learning motivation. 2.With well-organized human resource management and development of learning organization, magnet school effects can be ostensible. 3.A well-developed teacher ranking system and teacher’s certificate examination should be established, to enlist enthusiastic, loving and professional candidates into teaching. Keywords:magnet school、school-based curriculum、in-service education、teaching efficacy


知與內隱信念之研究。新竹師範學院學報,頁411-446 。


