  • 學位論文

問與答的辯證— 關於高達美「對話」理論之文本詮釋

Dialectic of Question and Answer: A Textual Interpretation of Gadamer’s Dialogue Theory

指導教授 : 陸敬忠


高達美之「對話」詮釋學理論是一種以問題與回答的形式作為理解存有者與文本之間的對話模式,理解存有者以一種對話的模式對文本進行理解與解釋。而在理解存有者與文本之間形成對話模式的核心理論即是「問與答的辯證」理論,尤其以「問與答的辯證」理論之辯證式「問題」為主。因理解此有者與文本的對話是由辯證式「問題」開始,理解此有者對文本進行理解,必先提出存在於文本裡的「問題」,而後針對此「問題」進行回答,在回答的過程裡遂又對文本進行提問,以如此問答方式進行對文本之理解,其中皆以辯證式之「問題」為其基設。 本文旨在探討從「問題」到「對話」理論的發展脈絡,透過對高達美在《真理與方法》一書裡〈柏拉圖辯證法的範例〉與〈問與答的邏輯〉二段文本詮釋,藉由高達美與柏拉圖的對話辯證法、科林伍德的「問題與回答」邏輯理論、新康德主義的「問題史」概念……等哲學理論之對話,研究「問題」在詮釋學理論的優先性,並且探討「問與答辯證」與「對話」理論兩者之間理解與詮釋的關係,進而深究發展高達美之「對話」詮釋學理論。


Abstract Hans Georg Gadamer’s hermeneutic theory of “dialogue” employs the form of “question and answer” as a model of dialogue between the Understanding-being and the text: the Understanding-being understands and interprets the text through a model of dialogue. Most central to the formation of a dialogic model between the Understanding-being and the text is “the dialectic of question and answer,” in which the dialectical “question” plays a major role. The dialogue between the Understanding-being and the text begins with a dialectical “question”: one needs first to raise a “question” which exists within the text, then provides an answer to this “question,” and in the answering process questions to the text. The understanding of the text is conducted in such a “question-and-answer” form, which presupposes the dialectical “question.” The thesis aims to explore the development from “question” to the theory of “dialogue.” Through a textual interpretation of two essays in Gadamer’s Truth and Method, “The Model of Platonic Dialectic” and “The Logic of Question and Answer,” in which the philosopher dialogues with philosophical theories such as Platonic dialectic of dialogue, Collinwood’s logical theory of “question and answer,” and the Neo-Kantian concept of “history of problems,” the thesis is devoted to studying the priority of “question” for hermeneutic theory. It also explores the relationship between “the dialectic of question and answer” and “dialogic theory” with respect to understanding and interpretation, and then proceeds to develop further Gadamer’s hermeneutic theory of “dialogue.”


Hegel’s Dialectic: Five Hermeneutical Studies, trans. by P. Christopher Smith, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1976.
Dialogue and Dialectic: Eight Hermeneutical Studies on Plato, Trans. And with an introd, By P. Christopher Smith, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1980
. Reason in the Age of Science, trans. by Frederick G Lawrence, Cambridge/ London: The MIT. Press, 1982.
Praise of Theory: Speeches and Essays, translated by Chris Dawson, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1983.
Philosophical Apprenticeships, Trans. By Robert R. Sullivan, Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1990.


