  • 學位論文


Construction of a Global Logistics Container Tracking System in UML

指導教授 : 宮大川


國際物流精確的控管已是一個必然的趨勢,尤其是在美國發生911事件後,美國為維護本土安全,對全球輸往美國的貨櫃,採取更嚴格的管控措施,其目標在確保供應鏈體系由起點到終點的運輸安全。由美國海關推動的「海關貿易夥伴反恐方案(Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, C-TPAT)」係未來國際物流發展趨勢,更是企業要從事Global Logistics,將經營觸角伸展至世界舞台所必須關切的。結合全球貨櫃安全性的要求,對於國際物流海運貨櫃的即時追蹤監控,便成為政府與業者共同努力的目標。 本研究係以UML塑模構建一個「國際物流海運貨櫃追蹤系統」。就目前海運貨櫃輸送網路中,利用現有已開發成熟之「科技產品」,並結合先進「方法」與「概念」,於貨物自出廠裝櫃至國際貨主接收啟封間的運輸途程中,對於海運貨櫃的即時實體動態追蹤,以掌控貨櫃運輸全程的安全狀況。 歸結本研究有下列幾點的結論: 1.針對國際物流海運貨櫃追蹤系統的功能作分析與歸類,協助系統開發人員進行系統的發展,可以讓物流中心管理者、追蹤系統的使用者,藉由追蹤系統,獲得貨櫃即時位置及安全狀態並進行運輸績效分析。 2.利用物件導向中的物件和類別可以重複的使用,增加程式的再用性,並藉由物件導向具有封裝、抽象、繼承以及多型等特性,簡化系統的複雜度。 3.根據統一流程方法進行系統的開發程序,能夠使得系統的開發更具有效率,並以統一塑模語言為基礎來進行系統分析與設計程序,提供開發團隊以各種不同的角度與觀點來分析系統,藉由圖形化、視覺化的方式達到溝通上的便利性。


Goods in Global logistics is being accurate control has already an inevitable trend, especially after 911 incidents happened in U.S.A..In order to safeguard the continent, Customs of U.S.A. that promote 'Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, C-TPAT ' taking the stricter surveillance to insure that supply chain system being safety. And combine the request for the container security , instant tracking of transporting container is become the goal to reach by the government and enterprise. For this thesis, construction of a global logistics container Tracking System in UML. with utilized and already existing technological products and combine the advanced concept. Between the products had dispatched from factory to international owner , tracking the container entirely trace to secure the container is necessary. There are the following conclusions of this thesis : 1.Do analysis and sort out the function of The Global Logistics Container Tracking System. It help systematic developer carry on systematic development , and also let logistics centre administrator , user of the tracing system, get the instant position of container and security state and transport performance analysis by this tracing system. 2.Utilize Object-Oriented characteristics, such of the Object and classification in repeated use and encapsulation , abstract , inheritting and many types ,etc.to reduced complexity of the system. 3. According to Rational Unified Process(RUP), carry on the systematic development procedure , it makes systematic development has more efficiently , and regard Unified Modeling Language(UML) being foundation to carry on network analysis and design program . It’s offers the developmental group with all kinds of object’s angles and views, to achieve the convenience of communicating in the figure , vision way.


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