  • 學位論文


Research on the art teachers’ teaching practice in kindergartens

指導教授 : 林育瑋


本研究旨在探討幼兒園美術教學實務,除了透過電話訪問調查的方式,瞭解目前台北市公私立幼兒園的美術教學概況;再以觀察、訪談、相關文件蒐集等方式,探究兩位幼兒園資深美術老師的美術教學實務,以及影響其教學實務之因素。以下將從「幼兒園美術教學概況」與「幼兒園美術老師之美術教學實務」兩部分來說明本研究之發現: 在幼兒園美術教學概況方面,目前台北市公私立幼兒園大約有61%外聘美術老師的情形,師資背景來源管道主要有四:「幼兒美術工作室」、「短期美術師資培訓班」、「美術相關科系」、「幼教相關背景」。幼兒園美術教學型態,主要分為「課內美術課」及「課外美術才藝課」,授課內容由美術老師自行設計,大多每週上課1次,每次上課為1小時,上課地點多在一般教室中進行。 而在幼兒園美術教學實務方面,本研究的兩位幼兒園美術老師在進行美術教學活動時,會因為彼此的美術教學觀之不同而呈現不同面貌的教學實務。其中一位幼兒園美術老師重視幼兒美術技巧的習得,會依照各班幼兒的能力調整指導的方式與內容,並且透過多變的課程主題,提昇幼兒的學習動機;而另一位幼兒園美術老師則重視幼兒在體驗多元素材後,充分展現個人的美術創作。她會依循幼兒的發展與學習特性來設計活動與教學引導,並且提供幼兒許多操作素材的機會。兩位幼兒園美術老師的教學實務會受到早期經驗、人格特質、學經歷背景,園所的時間與空間條件、家長觀點、同儕團體,以及家人等因素所影響。 最後依據研究結果,對教育主管機關、師資培訓機構、幼兒園美術老師、幼兒園、家長,以及後續研究者提出建議。


This research aims to probe the teaching practice of art teachers in kindergartens. Firstly, by telephone survey, we understand the current situation of arts teaching in public and private kindergartens in Taipei city. Secondly, by observation, interview, relevant document, we explore two veteran kindergarten art teachers’ teaching practice and the factors influenced their teaching practice. The findings of this research are divided into two parts: the current situations of art teaching in the kindergarten and two art teachers’ teaching practice. As for the general current situation of art teaching in the kindergarten, there are over 61% kindergartens hiring art teachers to teach art activities in kindergarten around Taipei city. The education and training background of these art teachers are from: “workshop of children art,” “short-term education training for art teachers,” “art major in college and university,” or “early childhood education in college and university” . Content of art activities depends on the individual art teacher. The art class, in most kindergartens, is once a week. Each class lasts about one hour in the classroom. Referring to the teaching practice of kindergarten art teachers, the two kindergarten art teachers in this research displayed different teaching styles due to dissimilar teaching perspectives. One kindergarten art teacher stressed the acquisition of pupils' art skills and adjusted her teaching to kids' capacity, hoping to boost students' motivation with various course subjects. The other kindergarten art teacher focused on the kids' individual creation after they had experienced various materials. She designed the courses and gave instructions according to pupils' development and learning styles. In addition, she let pupils experience the authentic materials. The factors which affected these art teachers’ teaching practice included the teachers’ early experiences, characteristics, the kindergartens’ conditions of time and space, parents’ viewpoints, support of peers, and family’s support. Lastly, the result of this research can be a reference for the government, training institutions for kindergarten art teachers, kindergartens, parents, and other researchers.




