  • 學位論文


The research on instructional leadership of one nursery school’s director

指導教授 : 林育瑋老師


本研究旨在探討托兒所所長教學領導之實際具體作為。本研究採質性研究的取向,以一位托兒所所長為參與者進行研究,採參與觀察、訪談、文件檔案與現場札記等蒐集資料。研究呈現參與者真實的教學領導樣貌及實際領導歷程。本研究主要發現為: 一、 教學領導具體作為 研究參與者為瞭解老師教學現場實際遭遇的問題,因而「進班觀察」老師教學;再透過「班級教學會議」與「全園教學會議」來協助老師以提昇教師專業知能。對於新進教師的協助上,研究參與者採用「分階會議」的方式深入了解新進教師的想法與問題。另一方面,藉由「教學省思紀錄的回饋」,作為與老師溝通的橋樑。 二、教學領導的影響因素 研究參與者之教學領導主要受到其追求完美、害怕面對衝突的人格特質影響,使其在帶領老師的教學過程中,會比別人多些焦慮及不斷要求老師要學習與成長。研究參與者的幼教經歷是另一重要影響因素,從現場基層老師做起的研究參與者,讓她在領導老師教學時,能採多樣化的培訓方式來帶領老師,並尊重老師教學及個別差異,給予不同的教學協助。 三、教學領導所遭遇的問題及因應之方式 研究參與者所遭遇到的問題包括人事異動、老師不願接受建議、時間分配不夠用、家長溝通等。其因應之道包括閱讀心靈書籍、公平一致對待老師、主動與家長接觸,而建立家長正確的教育觀等。 根據研究發現,本研究針對幼教機構主管、教育行政單位與師資培育機構及未來研究等,提出相關建議。 關鍵字:托兒所所長、教學領導


Abstract The main purpose of this study is to explore the practical and concrete actions of instructional leadership of one nursery school director. A qualitative approach was adopted by this research so as to observe the genuine instructional leadership, and actual conduct of this nursery school director in a natural setting for almost one year. Data were collected from interviews, observation, documentation, and on-site research notes. The research findings are as follows: 1. Concrete actions of instructional leadership In order to understand the problems encountered by teachers in their instruction, the participant conducts “in-class observations”. Individual class instructional meetings and whole nursery school instructional meetings are used to help teachers improve their professional abilities. For novice teachers, the participant conducts “small-group meetings” to understand the their thoughts and problems. In addition, the director’s feedback on teachers’ teaching journal is also the way to help teachers’ professional development. 2. Factors influencing instructional leadership Instructional leadership of the participant is primarily affected by her characteristics of perfectionism and fear of encountering conflict. When she leads teachers, she is more anxious, and ceaselessly requests teachers to continue to learn and grow. Her experience in early childhood education is another important factor. Her past teaching experiences allow her to take diverse training methods to lead teachers. She is also able to respect the teachers’ instructions and individual differences, and provide different instructional assistance. 3. Problems encountered in instructional leadership and methods of coping The problems which the director include changing of staff, teachers being unwilling to accept suggestions from her, lacked of time, and miscommunication with the parents. The coping strategies include reading spiritual books, treating teachers fairly, and actively contacting with parents. Based on the research findings, some relevant recommendations were made for directors of early education institutions, educational administrative authorities, teacher training institutions, and future research. Key words: nursery school director, instructional leadership


impact of implementation on academic achievement. (ERIC Document


