  • 學位論文


A study of elementary school teachers’ attributions and their coping strategies for Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder

指導教授 : 洪儷瑜


本研究旨在探討國小教師對注意力缺陷過動症(ADHD)之症狀與成因歸因及教師對ADHD學童之情緒反應與因應策略情形,並以Weiner(1985)「動機與情緒之歸因模式」探討教師對ADHD之成因歸因、情緒反應與因應策略之關係。研究者以半結構的晤談並佐以十點量表的方式訪談二十六位台北縣市的國小普通班級任教師,且該班有經鑑定確認患有ADHD的學童,研究結果如下: 一、教師察覺之ADHD學童行為可分為「不專注」、「過動」、「衝動」症狀與「自我規範問題」、「不穩定表現」行為。 二、在歸因評分方面,教師對ADHD「不專注」、「過動」症狀及「成因」歸因傾向是學童「內在」、「不可控制」與「穩定的」,而對ADHD「衝動」症狀則傾向「內在」、「可控制」與「穩定的」。在歸因類型方面,教師對ADHD「不專注」、「過動」症狀及「成因」歸因傾向是「內在-不可控-穩定」類型,而對ADHD「衝動」症狀則傾向是「內在-可控-穩定」與「內在-可控-不穩定」類型。在歸因因素方面,教師傾向將ADHD學童「不專注」、「過動」與「衝動」症狀歸因於「動機」因素,而將ADHD「成因」歸因於「生理」因素。 三、教師對ADHD學童之情緒反應可分為「正向強烈感受」、「正向微弱感受」、「負向強烈感受」、「負向微弱感受」與「中性感受」類型。 四、教師對ADHD學童之因應策略可分為「改變前事變項之策略」、「改變個體行為之策略」、「改變行為結果之策略」與「尋求資源」四類型。 五、當教師對ADHD成因傾向是「內在-不可控-穩定」的「生理」因素,且在歸因歷程初始即察覺ADHD學童之行為問題並引發「負向」的情緒反應時,則教師會對ADHD進行歸因。教師會因提出的條件而改變對ADHD之預期,並轉變為「中性」、「正向」的情緒感受,且對ADHD學童有較多之因應策略。 根據上述研究結果,本研究對實務工作與未來研究方向提出幾點建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore the elementary school teachers’ perception of the behaviors of students with ADHD and the relations between attributions for ADHD, emotional reactions, and coping strategies on the basis of Weiner’s attributional model. The 26 elementary regular education teachers who taught the students with ADHD in class participated this study. Semi-structured interview and 10-point Likert scale were conducted in the study. The findings were as follows: 1. The behaviors of students with ADHD were perceived as inattention, hyperactivity, impulsiveness, deficient rule-governed behavior, and greater variability of performance by their teachers. 2. Three attributional domains were analyzed in three ways: rating scores, attribution categories, and its factors. Teachers’ attributions rated by 10-point scale for inattention, hyperactivity, and ADHD tended to be internal, uncontrollable, and stable, while teachers’ attributions for impulsiveness tended to be internal, controllable, and stable. When the teachers were requested to identify the categories of attributions, they tended to account for inattention, hyperactivity, and ADHD as internal-uncontrollable-stable. However, they tended to attribute impulsiveness to internal-controllable-stable or internal-controllable-unstable. When the factors of attribution were analyzed, the motivation was the main factor of the inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness, while the biology was the main factor of ADHD. 3. Teachers’ emotional reactions to students with ADHD were classified into five: positive-strong, positive-weak, negative-strong, negative-weak, and neutral emotions. 4. Teachers’ coping strategies to students with ADHD were classified into four: changing antecedent strategies, changing personal behavior strategies, changing consequence strategies, and seek for resources. 5. The main factor (i.e. biology) and category (i.e. internal- uncontrollable-stable) of teachers’ attribution were exampled to analyze the attributional process. When the problem behaviors of students with ADHD were aware by the teachers and triggered their negative emotional reactions in the beginning, the teachers would try to find out the factors of ADHD and go through 9-step attributional process. Under some conditions, the teachers would change their expectancy to the ADHD, and their emotional reactions would be transformed into neutral or positive state. Additionally, they would have more coping strategies. Implications for the practice and the further research are recommended on the basis of the findings of this study.




