  • 學位論文


A Study on the Comparative Differences of Delinquent Behavior Among Classroom Teachers, Counselors, and Military Instructors – Taking Taipei Senior High School as an Example

指導教授 : 許春金


本研究之目的在於了解臺北市高中職在學學生從事偏差行為之情形,並了解學校控制中有關導師、輔導人員、軍訓教官對學生之控制差別,及家庭控制與學校控制之相互影響,進而研究更好之互動方式來增進兩者間之效能。 本研究採隨機抽樣方式對台北市69所公私立高中職學生,以班級為為單位抽出413位學生進行問卷測驗,偏差行為採自陳式問卷,控制變項採關心、監督、附著三個層面分析,研究結果發現如下: (一)在家庭控制方面,附著父親、父親監督及母親關心均呈現公立高中大於私立高中,私立高中大於私立高職,私立高職大於公立高職;學校類別對附著導師及教官關心等變項有明顯影響,家庭控制與學校控制亦因學校類別而有所不同。 (二)臺北市青少年在輕度偏差方面以「考試作弊」最多、「閱讀黃色不良書刊」次之、「觀看色情影帶」、「未經父母允許而喝酒」又次之;在中度偏差行為方面以「出入不良風化場所」最多、「遭校規記過以上處分」及「無照駕(騎)車」等次之;在重度偏差行為方面,以「故意毀損或破壞他人(公共)的車輛或建築物」最多,「威脅恐嚇他人」及「與異性發生性關係」等次之。在性別統計上均為男性偏差行為多於女性;在類別差異上,除輕度偏差行為外,其餘雷同。在年級統計上,高二多於高三;學校類別統計上,公立高職大於私立高職,私立高職大於公立高中,公立高中大於私立高中。 (三)父母、教官及導師控制對於學生偏差行為有抑制力;性別、母親控制、導師控制、學業表現等對於青少年偏差行為有顯著之預測力。 結論與建議: 一、研究結果顯示公立高職學生偏差行為較多,私立高中偏差行為最少,顯示家長選擇學校時應更加注重學校的生活教育品質。 二、研究發現各類型學校控制變項對學生有顯著的不同效果,比如對導師的依附,高中強於高職,公立強於私立,導師關心則是公立強於私立。另外,私立高職的學生最能感受到教官的關懷與監督,其次是公立高職。 三、導師才是教育的主角,教官是輔助的角色,現今高中職校導師處理學生問題往往退居第二線,有檢討並加強之必要。 四、家庭控制是一切控制的基礎,沒有家庭控制力,學校控制也將付之闕如;母親控制扮演關鍵角色,尤其婚姻幸福與家庭和樂對於青少年之輕、中度偏差行為有顯著之弱化效果,政府也應加強家庭及婚姻教育。 五、青少年偏差行為之防範,應結合家庭與學校之力量共同為之。 關鍵字:導師、輔導人員、軍訓教官、偏差行為


The purpose of the thesis lies in understanding what kinds of delinquent behavior Taipei’s senior high school students exhibit, how differently classroom teachers, counselors, and military instructors affect the deviant students, and how differently the school and home affect the students. Furthermore, try to find better interactive measures to manage the deviants. Four hundred and thirteen (413) students in Taipei’s sixty-nine(69) senior high schools are selected by random as samples to answer the questionnaire. In terms of controlled variables: care, supervision, attachment, the results of the research are analyzed. The results are as follows: First, in the family control factor, among the variables of attachment to the father, father supervision and mother care, public senior high influences most, and then private senior high, private vocational school, and public vocational school. In the school control factor, attachment to the homeroom teacher and military instructors’ care have visible influences. Therefore, different types of school have different management measures and influences. Second, among the teenagers’ delinquent behaviors, slight ones include “cheating on exams,” “reading porn,” “watching porn videos,” “drinking wine without parents’ permission.” Medium ones include “visiting red-light district,” “getting demerit due to breaking the school rule,” and “riding a motorcycle without a driving license.” Serious deviant behavior include “damaging others’ vehicles or buildings,” “ bullying others,” and “ having sexual relationship.” After these data analyzed, male deviants are more than female ones. Besides, second-graders are more than third-graders. In terms of the classification of the school, public vocational senior high students are more than private vocational ones, public senior high ones , and private senior high ones. Third, gender, mother role, classroom teacher, and academic performance can forecast the students’ delinquent behavior. According to the results of the research, there are five suggestions: 1. The results of the research indicate that public vocational senior high students are highly deviant; private senior high students are least delinquent. It points out that parents should choose the schools who stress the importance of virtues. 2. The research shows that in the factor of attachment to classroom teacher, senior high schools are better than vocational ones; public schools are better than private ones. In the factor of classroom teacher care, public schools are superior to private ones. Besides, private vocational senior high students are highly affected by military instructors. Public vocational senior high students are the second. 3. Classroom teachers should play the major roles in education, while military instructors should play the auxiliary ones. Nowadays, homeroom teachers play secondary roles in dealing with the deviance. It is necessary to reverse the trend. 4. Home is the basis of all. Without the control of the family, there will be no school control. In the family factor, a mother plays the key role. The happier students live in their family, the less delinquent they show. Therefore, the government should strengthen the education of the family. 5. To prevent teenagers from becoming delinquent, the family and the school should work together. Keywords:Classroom Teacher ,Counselors,Military Instructor,Delinquent Behavior


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許春金 2006 《犯罪學》。台北:三民書局。
許春金2006 《人本犯罪學》。台北:三民書局。


