  • 學位論文


The Impact of District Size on Bill Initiation Behavior of Pork Barrel : An Analysis of the 5th and 6th Legislative Yuan in Taiwan

指導教授 : 羅清俊


選區規模對於立法委員分配政策提案行為的影響:第五、六屆立法院的分析 (The Impact of District Size on Bill Initiation Behavior of Pork Barrel:An Analysis of the 5th and 6th Legislative Yuan in Taiwan) 本論文為了深入研究立法委員爭取分配政策利益背後的驅使力量,因此以分配理論為基礎,分別探討第五、六兩屆的區域立委的分配政策提案行為是否受到所屬「選區規模」等變數所影響?另外,由於第七屆立法委員選舉制度改為單一選區兩票制並將員額減半。因此本研究也進一步觀察第六屆的區域立委在分配政策提案行為上,是否會因為選制的即將改變而產生變化?本論文特別關心立法委員分配政策提案行為的變化幅度是否會隨著選區規模的不同而有所差異?作者主要透過波松迴歸模型探討影響立委提出分配政策法案數量多寡的相關因素。同時也透過邏輯斯迴歸模型分析第五屆區域立委競選連任成敗的影響因素。同樣地,作者特別關心立法委員分配政策提案行為對於連任與否的影響力。 在立委分配政策提案分析的部分,本研究發現第五屆大型選區及中型選區立委的分配政策提案數量,皆遠低於小型選區所選出的立委的數量,並且都達到統計上的顯著水準。其中又以大型選區立委的分配政策提案數量最少,代表選區規模越大,立委越沒有動機爭取分配性的政策利益。除了選區規模顯著的影響力之外,本研究也發現第五屆的立法院當中,「在野黨立委」(非民進黨)以及「選票集中指數高」的立委,也會較積極地提出分配政策法案,並且都達到統計上的顯著水準。 第六屆立法院時期,雖然在野黨立委仍舊比較積極提出分配政策法案,但是在選區規模方面,本研究則發現大、中、小型選區立委之間的分配政策提案數量差異並沒有達到統計上的顯著水準。透過五、六兩屆匯集提案資料的統計結果,作者發現之所以會有這種現象,主要是因為第六屆的大型選區立委在分配政策提案的數量上大幅地成長,顯著地多過於第五屆的大型選區立委。而第六屆中型選區的立委,也同樣在分配政策提案的數量上趨於成長,顯著地多過於第五屆中型選區立委。而小型選區則沒有出現這種現象。這似乎意味著選區規模會大,受到選制改變為單一選區與員額減少的影響也越深遠。 另外,透過邏輯斯迴歸的檢定結果,本研究發現第五屆不同選區規模的立委,其分配政策提案比例對於是否能夠成功連任第六屆立委的影響,並沒有達到統計上的顯著差異。第五屆區域立委是否能夠連任成功,主要是受到「是否擔任過地方民選公職」以及「是否具備派系背景」等因素之影響。曾擔任過地方民選公職的區域立委,反而較不容易連任成功。另外,具有地方派系色彩的立委,在選戰中則比較容易取得優勢。 本研究不但發現選區規模對於台灣立法委員分配政策提案行為的顯著影響。同時也觀察到選舉制度改變對於國會議員分配政策提案的影響,其實在選制即將改變之前就已經開始發酵。本文的研究發現可以提供未來台灣分配政治研究的實證基礎。


The Impact of District Size on Bill Initiation Behavior of Pork Barrel:An Analysis of the 5th and 6th Legislative Yuan in Taiwan This thesis explores the motives of legislators seeking distributive benefits for their districts. Based on the perspective of distributive theory, the author observes bill-initiation behavior of legislators from the 5th to 6th Legislative Yuan in Taiwan to answer if they are affected by the size of districts where legislators are elected from. Thesis also observes whether the 6th legislators are going to change their bill-initiation behavior because of the coming changes of the electoral system (reduce 50% members and replace SNTV by single-member-district), and mainly analyzes the effect of district size. Poisson regression model is used to explore the factors that would affect the bill-initiation behavior of legislators favoring distributive benefits for their districts. Moreover, Logistic regression model is employed to estimate the factors that would affect the outcome of the 5th legislators who pursue their reelection. Regarding the analyses of bill-initiation, the Poisson model shows significant effect of district size on the initiation of distributive bills in the 5th Legislative Yuan. The larger the district size is, the less the incentives legislators have, to seek distributive policy interests. In addition, members of opposition party and members with more area-concentrated vote in the previous election tend to initiate distributive bills actively. Interestingly, the statistical results do not show the significant effect of district size on the initiation of distributive bills in the 6th Legislative Yuan. Together with the analyses of pooling data of the 5th and the 6th Legislative Yuan, the author finds that compared with the 5th Legislative Yuan, legislators who are from large districts in the 6th Legislative Yuan tend to initiate more distributive bills. The same pattern was also found in the 6th legislators who were elected from medium size of districts. But it is not true for the legislators of small districts. It implies that the impact of the coming changes of electoral system is more likely on the legislators who are from larger districts than the smaller ones. Despite the effect of the distributive bills on the electoral fortune is insignificant, Logistic regression analyses show that legislators with faction background are more likely to win their reelection while legislators who once served as local officers tend to lose. In sum, this thesis finds significant effect of district size on legislators’ distributive bill-initiation behavior. It also finds that the impact of the coming changes of electoral system on legislative behavior is already at work before it goes into effect. These findings have some implications on distributive politics in Taiwan.


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