  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 顏上堯


消防機關辦理執行消防法第10條所定建築物消防安全設備之審查及建築法第72條、第76條所定建築物之竣工查驗工作-使用執照之核發前置作業,傳統上多憑經驗方式調派人力勘查,並非最佳化指派,當建築物規模依總樓地板面積大小、樓層高度、建築物總高度、消防安全設備複查程度區分時,常令決策者決定的調派可能無形中浪費許多資源及時間而不自知,其安排結果非最佳化指派。 本研究針對機關消防設備勘查人員指派之個別需求、條件及業務,利用數學整數規劃最佳化模式及利用電腦輔助撰寫程式,求解勘查人員最小工作次數與支援人力指派之排程,提供作為指派人員工作及公平性調度之參考。由影響最小工作次數參數之敏感度分析、限制條件及調整參數設計解決問題,以達本模式因各項參數改變對最後運算結果之影響範圍。本研究最佳化模式產生的指派結果,確實較人工經驗指派方法更優及效率高,其兼顧靈活運用指派公平性問題,具有輔助政府機關人力指派規劃作業之實用及參考性。 關鍵字:竣工查驗、使用執照、整數規劃、總樓地板面積、最佳化。


According to Article 10 of the Fire Services Act, fire authorities are responsible for inspecting the security facilities and fire safety equipments of these specific buildings and others. Articles 72 and 76 of the Building Act mandate that formal inspection of buildings should be the preceding activity for licensing evaluation. Traditionally, government officials rely on the professional experiences to inspect buildings. However, the assigned procedures of tasks are not always the optimal. When fire safety equipments are classified based on total floor area, floor height, or total height of building, it is time-consuming for decision-makers to assign a task without making an optimal choice. This study indicates that government authorities’ assignment of fire safety equipment inspectors and discusses the individual needs, terms, and practices of assignments. Using integer programming to find an optimal model by computer programs, this study could obtain the minimal number of assignments for inspectors and design an optimal schedule for manpower support. Research results could propose recommendations for assigning inspectors and distributing jobs fairly. Using “the minimal number of assignments” as a parameter to conduct sensitivity analysis and using “restrictions” and “adjustment parameter” to solve problems. After examination, this study validates the model and proves that the optimal model is more efficient than assignment by human’s experience. This approach has two strengths, namely more flexible application and fairer concerning job assignment that could assist government authorities to assign tasks.


〔12〕黃駿逸,「農林漁牧業普查人力指派最佳決策模式之研究」,國立中央大學,碩士論文, 民國96年。


