  • 學位論文


The Study And Analysis of The Republic of China All-out Defence Education Promotion

指導教授 : 蔡育岱


儘管兩岸民間交流熱絡,惟「政治對立、軍事對峙」之現況並未解除,全體民眾仍須認清此事實之危害,中共虎視眈眈從未放棄武力犯台,並持續對我採取「和戰兩手、軟硬兼施」統戰作為,所以國家安全的體現端賴於全民國防的落實,國人應當深刻體察全民國防之重要性,瞭解有形戰力與無形戰力結合的國防體系,方為禦敵、阻敵的最佳利器。 由於中共持續的經濟成長與外交實力的增強,並積極自國外引進先進武器裝備與技術,再加上逐年增加和改良的各式導彈與巡弋飛彈及自行研發的各類武器系統,使得台灣海峽的軍事平衡朝向中共傾斜之現象產生。因此,為了維護國家安全及整體利益,必須有足夠的戰爭準備,而如何提高民眾的危機意識並支持國防,全民國防教育將扮演非常重要的角色。 本研究目的期能針對我國推動全民國防教育提出具體可行之精進意見。鑑此,本文透過相關文獻蒐集、時事觀察及理論分析等研究途徑及方法,參據中共、美國、瑞士、以色列及新加坡等國家「全民國防教育」實施概況與我國作一綜合比較分析並汲取他國之優點,以作為我國全民國防教育後續可供發展參考的另一條思路脈絡。此外,進一步探究本國推動全民國防教育在實行作法、實施內涵、政策落實、防衛實質、演進變革等層面之策略與成效,檢討發展過程中可精進之處,並歸納及整理成研究發現與未來建議,使我國全民國防教育之推廣能精益求精,有效落實到社會各階層,以增強全民心防,進而鞏固國家安全。


Although cross-strait civilian exchanges warm, but "political opposition, military confrontation," the status has not been released. All the people still recognize the hazards of this fact, and the Chinese Communist Party has never given up eyeing force against Taiwan, "and handed battle , carrot and stick "as a united front, so that national security depends on the implementation of All-out defense. People should appreciate the importance of All-out defense of the profound understanding of tangible and intangible fighting force combat capability combined defense system, against an enemy, stopping the enemy's best weapon. Since the Chinese Communist Party's continued economic growth and diplomatic strength, and actively introduce advanced weaponry from abroad and technology, coupled with increased incidence and improved variety of missiles and cruise missiles and various weapons systems developed its own, making the military balance of Taiwan Strait tilted toward the Chinese Communist Party's phenomenon. Therefore, in order to maintain safety and overall interests of the country, there must be adequate preparations for war. How to improve people's awareness of the crisis and to support All-out Defense, All-out defense Education will play a very important role. The purpose of this study can be made of concrete and feasible for the country to promote the views of sophisticated All-out defense education. In this context, through the relevant literature search, current observation and theoretical analysis study ways and means to participate, according to the Chinese Communists, the United States, Switzerland, Israel and Singapore and other countries' All-out defense education, Implementation Overview and China make a comprehensive comparative analysis and lessons of other countries and the advantage to as China's All-out defense education for development follow-up reference visions of another context. In addition, to further explore the country to promote the implementation of the All-out defense education in practice, the implementation of the content and the policy, strategy and performance levels of the substance of the defense, such as the evolution of change, reviewing the development process can be sophisticated place, and findings are summarized and organized into suggestions for future that can promote the excellence of our All-out defense education and the effective implementation of the various sectors of society in order to enhance people's psychological defenses, thereby strengthening national security.


陳子平,「全民國防的法制建構與實踐」,國防雜誌,第21卷第4 期(2006年),頁4-10。


