  • 學位論文


A Study on Recreational Carrying Capacity of Ecotourism in Liou-Chiou Island.

指導教授 : 羅清吉


本研究之研究基地位處大鵬灣國家風景區的琉球鄉(又稱小琉球),近幾年吸引越來越多的遊客湧入,但無限制開發最終只會使得這個美麗的小島被破壞,造成難以復原的災難。為了不讓島內生態資源持續被破壞,小琉球目前正積極發展成為低碳觀光島嶼,且當地業者們利用島內生態及景觀資源,推廣生態旅遊活動,這不僅提供了遊客環境教育解說,同時也讓套裝行程之口碑加值。 本研究目的在探討若不破壞當地的資源且又能讓遊客獲得滿意體驗,其遊憩承載量值到底為何?本研究將遊憩承載量就生態承載量、社會心理承載量、設施承載量三個部分探討,研究方法包含文獻回顧法、現場勘查法、定性分析法、層級分析法,研究結果得知:實質生態承載量亦為環境容許量,依照層級分析法之專家學者給分,並且假若來訪遊客必然造成環境衝擊,則小琉球每日生態承載量為509人;若以社會心理承載量推估,則至小琉球花瓶岩景區之遊客承載量為685人至1370人時,屬於正常標準,若遊客量在456至685人間,則為舒適標準程度;由設施承載量之研究結果得知:小琉球合法民宿僅58間,且民宿床位大於交通船之人數、男廁多於女廁、無障礙廁所並非劃分在男女廁內之空間、僅在業者旁邊有私人搭設之沖水設施等。 結論與建議歸納如下:週休二日及假日期間不應再加開班船,以控管登島人數,並且隨時修正目前所設定之容許承載量是否合乎遊客及生態環境之承受力;且現有設施已不符合現代遊客高標準之需求,若在設計上能注入小琉球當地特色及生態手法,更能提升小琉球之遊憩吸引魅力。


The study of this research is located on the Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area in Liou-Chiou Island (a.k.a Little Liou-Chiou), which in the recent years has been attracting more and more tourists.However, blindly developing its tourism without regulations is going to cause devastating destructions to its fascinating nature environment, resulting an irretrievable environmental impact.Therefore, in order to stop the destruction of its environment, Liou-Chiou Island is now actively developing itself into a low-carbon footprint tourism island.Local businesses are now making use of the island's ecological and landscape resources as their promotion ecotourism. Not only provides this the tourists educational tours, but it also had added value to its tourism.The aim of this study is to probe the recreation carrying capacity of the island, under the consideration of not creating negative impacts on its ecological resources while providing the tourists a satisfy experience. This study investigated the recreation carrying capacity from three perspectives; ecological carrying capacity, psychology carrying capacity and facilities carrying capacity. The study is carried out by the following methods: literature review, scene investigation, qualitative analysis and analytic hierarchy process (AHP). With those we have known that: The ecological carrying capacity is equal to environmental maximum tolerance.Experts and scholars value according to AHP methods, and suppose that the tourists will absolutely make environmental impact. The ecological carrying capacity on Liou-Chiou Island is 509 per day.If using psychology carrying capacity techniques to estimate tourists at Flower Vase Rock(花瓶岩), we’ll know that: If tourists are around 685 to 1370, is on normal standard. Tourists are around 456 to 685 on comfort standard.With the result of the research on facilities carrying capacity, we have known that: There are only 58 legal B&B in Liou-Chiou Island. And the total number of beds are more than the number of boat-seats. The toilets for male are more than the toilets for female. Disabled toilets need to be divided from men and women toilets. Lack of public shower areas. The conclusions are as followed:There shouldn't have added boats to control the number of tourists during weekends and holidays and need to keep currently carrying capacity update all the time. And the facilities do not accord the high standards of tourists' requirement. If the design can combine the Liou-Chiou local specialties and ecological approach, Liou-Chiou Island can have more unique charm.


26.林晏州(2000)社會遊憩容許量評估方法之比較,戶外遊憩研究,13 (1): 1-20。
