  • 學位論文


The Study of the Relationship among Learning Organization Characteristic, Job Characteristic and Job Commitment

指導教授 : 劉興郁


所謂以不變應萬變,在競爭及創新的市場中真的能夠以不變取代改變嗎?企業若只在安穩的環境中求生存,那麼勢必會遭到市場機制的淘汰,又所謂適者生存,不適者淘汰,企業該如何做才能在劇變的環境中因應改變呢?當然,若僅有組織在改變顯然是不夠的,組織當中的成員是連繫組織績效的重要關鍵之一,組織一方面須瞭解員工工作上的認知,另一方面則須瞭解員工是否認同組織且瞭解自己工作上的意義,雙管齊下所產生的績效結果則不得不為組織所應當審慎思慮的。本研究以組織的特質及員工的工作特性為基礎探討員工對於工作上的承諾感及認同感為何。 本研究以學習型組織的特質及工作特性為切入點探討以下二項目的: 1.探討學習型組織特質、企業員工之工作特性與工作承諾之關聯程度為何? 2.探討學習型組織特質與企業員工之工作特性關聯程度為何? 本研究以電子業或製造業之從業人員為主進行問卷調查,採便利抽樣,共發放250份問卷,實得有效問卷為168份,回收率67%。爾後利用敘述性統計分析、信度分析、典型相關分析與迴歸分析加以探討。本研究實證結論如下: 一、「學習型組織」與「工作承諾」之間具有相關且呈現顯著正向關聯,其中「延伸學習文化」及「關鍵系統思考」與「職業承諾」及「組織承諾」關聯性較高。 二、「工作特性」與「工作承諾」之間具有相關且呈現顯著正向關聯,其中「自主性」及「回饋性」與「職業承諾」及「工作投入」關聯性較高。 三、「學習型組織」與「工作特性」之間具有相關且呈現顯著正向關聯,其中「鼓勵持續學習」及「提升員工價值」與「回饋性」關聯性較高,但與「任務完整性」較無相關性。


Can any enterprise survive in the competitive and innovative market without changing? If the corporation only wants to survive in the environment steadily, they would eventually land in failure. The old saying of survival for the fittest, what should enterprises do, to adapt to the changes in a drastic changing environment? Of course, if it is just the change of organization, it would not be sufficient. On the one hand, the enterprises need to understand their employees’ cognition of work; on the other hand, they must check if the employees realize the significance of their work, and whether they identify with their organization. This study tries to explore how employees commit and identify with their work on the basis of organization features and work content. In this study, the features are characterized as a learning organization and its work content, and hopes to explore the following two objectives: 1. To explore that the relativity level of characteristics of learning organization, work contents of business employees’and work commitment. 2. To explore how the characteristics of a learning organization and the job characteristics of business employees’relate. This study uses questionnaire surveys of electronics industry and manufacturing industry employees’as popular sampling. The total sampling has 250 questionnaires, there are 168 valid questionnaires, and the recovery rate is 67 percent. Afterwards we used descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, validity analysis, canonical analysis and regression analysis to analyze the results. The major conclusions are summarized as follows: 1. The relationship between of learning organization and work commitment has a positive correlation. Furthermore,the correlation between‘culture of learning’and‘critical systematic thinking’,as well as‘career commitment’and‘organizational commitment’is higher. 2. The relationship between‘work characteristics’ and‘work commitment’is a positive correlation. ‘Autonomy’and‘feedback’, as well as‘career commitment’and‘work involvement’have a high degree of correlation. 3. The relationship between learning organization and job characteristics have positive correlation. ‘Continuous learning’and‘people-centered’have a high degree of correlation towards ‘feedback’, but has a low relativity with‘task identity’.


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邱清池(2011)。學習型組織程度、教師專業成長與學校效能之研究 ---以桃園縣公立國民小學為例〔碩士論文,元智大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6838/YZU.2011.00025
