  • 學位論文


The Influence of Glass Ceiling Effect on Female Career Development---An Example of Higher Executive Females at Hotel Industries

指導教授 : 童秋霞


根據行政院之調查,女性就業人數於2001年已高達383萬人,其中有25%為服務業,此顯示服務業以女性居多,但在高階管理階層部份,仍是以男性為主,而飯店業情況更是明顯,由此可知飯店業之女性員工在升遷過程時存在著玻璃天花板效應。因此本研究希望以女性為主之飯店業為研究對象,藉此探討從事飯店業之女性是否會因為玻璃天花板效應而影響其升遷?如果遭遇到玻璃天花板效應後,其生涯規劃是否會改變。 本研究以質性訪談蒐集資料,抽樣方式以立意取樣與滾雪球方式進行,抽樣對象以飯店業高階女性主管為主;訪談時間為2006年3月14日~3月29日,訪談人數共有七位。 七位受訪者之年齡介於30歲~45歲之間,教育程度以大學為主;婚姻狀況則有三位為已婚有小孩,另四位則為已婚無小孩或是未婚。 本研究有下列研究結果: (1) 性別刻板印象對玻璃天花板效應之形成有四部份之影響,分別為女性鮮少擔任高階管理職務、性別刻板印象造成玻璃天花板效應、女性之社交能力與人際關係較男性低落、女性工作之穩定度較低於男性。此外,性別刻板印象亦會造成女性主管之能力較被低估。 (2)根據受訪者表示,玻璃天花板效應主要存在於四個層面:男性文化根深蒂固、女性為家庭之主要照顧者、男女行為評價不同、公司文化。但由於無受訪者表示由於政府因素而造成玻璃天花板效應,因此政府障礙對於玻璃天花板效應之影響較小,亦為本研究與其他研究不同之發現。 (3)影響女性生涯發展因素共有四個,分別為外在環境、內在心理、個人因素與不可預知之因素;其中個人因素中之生育狀況,由於並無受訪者表示因生育而自動離職,因此生育狀況對於女性生涯發展影響較小,亦為本研究與其他研究不同之發現。 (4) 由整體之分析中發現,性別刻板印象確實會造成玻璃天花板效應,玻璃天花板效應亦會影響女性之生涯發展與生涯發展類型;而性別刻板印象對女性生涯發展造成中斷或是改變之影響較小,則為本研究與其他研究不同之發現。


It has been a long time, since women entered the workplace. However, this doesn’t mean that they have had equal chance of promotion as men do. According to the investigation done by Executive Yuan, ROC, The number of female employees have reached 3,830,000 by 2001, 25% of them are in the service industries. This shows that the service industry employees are mostly female. In contrast, men are mainly in the higher executive positions. The study aims to explore the influence of the glass ceiling effect on female employees’ promotion. And the results of females encountering the glass ceiling effect are discussed. The study collected data by qualitative interview. The subjects were by convenience and snowball sampling. The subjects in this study were the higher ranking female executives in hotel business. The interview had been from 14th March to 29th March in 2006. There are seven interviewees. They are most between 30~45 years old and the education degrees are mainly on university. Three of the interviewees are married and have baby, four of the interviewees are unmarried or married but have no baby. The conclusions were as follows: (1)The obstacle of government is not the cause of the glass ceiling effect. There are four kind of influence resource in glass ceiling effect, due to no interviewees said that the obstacle of government are the cause the glass ceiling effect, so that is not the cause of the glass ceiling effect. (2)The sex stereotype is a less influential factor for female career development. Most of the female staffs at hotels choose others departments, but they didn’t choose resignation, so that is a less influential factor for female career development. (3)Among all of the personal factors, women childbirth situation has the minimum influence. There were no interviewees resignation by themselves by childbirth situation, so the career development didn’t effect of the women childbirth situation (4)The sex stereotype causes the glass ceiling effect. There are four kind of influence resource in sex stereotype to glass ceiling effect, and sex stereotype would underestimate female executives ability , so the sex stereotype causes the glass ceiling effect. (5)The glass ceiling effect influences the female career development and female career development type. Three of interviewees who ever suffer glass ceiling change the career development and the career development types, so The glass ceiling effect influences the female career development and female career development type.


李美枝、鍾秋玉(1996)。性別與性別角色析論。本土心裡學研究,6 ,260-299。


