  • 期刊


The Pilot Study of Therapeutic Effectiveness on Chronic Constipation by Topical Using Capsicum Patches on Specific Acupuncture Points


對於長期臥床之病人而言,便秘常是一個令醫護人員困擾且又易使病情控制相形複雜之症狀,傳統藥物對於便祕之治療雖然有其一定之優勢,然而對於已使用藥物治療卻仍然療效不彰之病患,藥物劑量之加重或是灌腸則是常需執行之治療手段,如此對於患者病情之控制則易變成更加複雜且易有藥物交互作用之情形發生,所以,在不增加藥物之使用之前提下,能輔助改善便祕之方式之研究探討就顯得相形重要。 本研究利用市售辣椒膏貼布在貼敷後會有局部溫熱之感覺來取代傳統溫灸所產生之溫熱效應,經由貼敷在天樞、石門及下脘等穴位,共收案19位呼吸加護病房病患,每天敷貼一次,每次7小時,三天為一療程,在第一次敷貼辣椒膏後之24小時內,有14位病患順利排便,佔總收案病患數之73.68%。而在19位收案之病患中,有12位病患在整個療程中至少有2次以上之排便,佔總收案病患數之63.16%,而在整個療程結束前,有16位病患至少有一次以上之排便。結論:由上述先導性研究所得之結果可以推論,利用市售成方辣椒膏貼敷在局部特定穴位以產生溫熱效應,確實對於所收案病患之便祕情況有一定之輔成改善效果,未來非常值得繼續加以深入探討研究。


便秘 辣椒膏貼布 穴位貼敷


For long-term care patients, constipation is a complicated symptom that always-bothering patients and medical staffs. There is good response of medical treatment for most of patients; however, enema or increasing drug dose is always necessary for those of poor response for regular drug therapy regimen. Therefore, it is important for evaluating a method that could improve the symptom of constipation in basis of regular drug regimen. In this study, the commercial capsicum patches are used to adhere on ST25, RN5, and RN10 for evaluating the adjunctive effect on constipation relief. The 19 patients of respiratory care ward enrolled in this study, the capsicum patches were adhered on ST25, RN5, and RN10 in the duration of 7 hours once daily and repeated for total three days. After first capsicum patches adhesion on the specific acupuncture points for 7 hours, there are 14 patients defecate in 24 hours (73.68%), and 12 patients defecate twice at least in all three day study regimen (63.16%). In conclusion, as the result described above, there are good response was observed in constipation improvement using capsicum patches adhered on specific acupuncture points. It is worthy for further investigation.


