  • 期刊


The Recognition of Indigenous' Rights to Traditional Land: The Evaluation of Article 20, section 1 of the Indigenous Peoples Basic Law




Since the early 19th century, the common law countries have recognized the land rights of the indigenous peoples to their land in accordance with their traditional norms, because of the sympathy for the deprivation of land rights by the indigenous peoples in the colonial period. After long-term development, the common law countries have accumulated a lot of theory and practice, and have far-reaching influence on their political and social development. On February 5, 2005, based on the above theory and practice, Taiwan's Article 20, section 1 of the Indigenous Peoples Basic Law stipulates that the government recognizes indigenous peoples'rights to land and natural resources. This article intends to proceed from the theory and practice of common law countries to explore the normative purpose and content of Article 20, section 1 of the Indigenous Peoples Basic Law, and try to to establish the system of land rights of indigenous peoples in Taiwan's current land legal system.


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