  • 期刊


A Study on Intake of Sweetened Beverages Behavior and its Related Factors among the Elementary School Students in New Taipei City




Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the behaviors and factors associated with the intake of sugar-sweetened beverages among 5th and 6th graders in elementary schools in New Taipei City. Methods: Using purposive sampling, we selected students from two primary schools located in the Sanshia and Yingge districts as our target population. We collected 384 valid questionnaires. Our statistical methods included descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson's correlation analysis, Spearman's rank correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Results: 1. The following factors received the highest scores: number of students living within five minutes of a convenience store (71.9%), number of students having no weekly pocket money (40.1%), receiving information via "cell phone" (mean=2.94), and purchasing conditions (mean=3.89). 2. The average weekly total sweetened beverage consumption reached 2009 cc. 3. We observed significant differences in consumption behavior based on "family socio-economic status," with those from a "high socio-economic status" background exhibiting greater consumption than those from a "low socio-economic status" background. 4. Self-efficacy in terms of cognition, attitude, and refusal of intake showed positive correlations with consumption behavior. The relevant variables related to consumption factors were also positively correlated with total consumption. 5. All the predicted variables together explained 47.0% of the total variation in consumption behavior, with "self-efficacy of refusing intake" demonstrating the highest explanatory power. Conclusions: It is imperative for schools to reinforce the teaching of healthy living skills and collaborate with parents and the community to create a supportive environment. We recommend that future studies should record the actual total caloric intake to better assess the risk of obesity associated with the consumption of sweetened beverages.


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