  • 期刊


Effect of Drying Methods and Storage Life on the Quality of Sweet Potatoes Chips for Animal Feedstuff


本試驗比較CYY98-68、CYY98-08及台農10號等三個飼料甘藷品種(系),分別於不同乾燥方式及儲存期下,分析甘藷簽胰蛋白酶抑制活性、蛋白質及澱粉含量等變化情形。試驗結果顯示三品種(系)在日曬、50°C熱烘之蛋白質含量及胰蛋白酶活性抑制並無顯著差異,但90°C熱烘處理之蛋白質含量及胰蛋白酶活性抑制顯著下降;而三品種(系)於日曬、50°C熱烘及90°C熱烘處理之澱粉含量並無顯著差異,顯示澱粉含量不受乾燥方式之影響。在0, 30, 60, 90, 120天等不同儲存期試驗顯示,三品種(系)之蛋白質含量均為3%,並無顯著差異存在;而三品種(系)於不同儲藏期之胰蛋白酶抑制活性及澱粉含量,隨著儲藏日數增加而顯著下降;另外,利用電子顯微鏡觀察觀察澱粉顆粒,亦顯示增加儲藏時間會造成澱粉含量減少。綜上所述,90°C熱烘或50°C熱烘處理後儲藏至120天,胰蛋白抑制活性比例大量降低。惟考量做為飼料用途,在不影響其他營養成分之條件下,故建議90°C熱烘或50°C熱烘處理後儲藏60天可作為飼料用甘藷加工及儲放之參考。


Three sweet potato varieties (lines) were used to investigate the effect of heating temperature, drying methods and storage time on trypsin proteinase activity, protein content and starch content of dry sweet potato chips. The results showed that sweet potato chips drying at 90°C significantly decreased the activity of trypsin inhibitor and protein content. However, both trypsin inhibitor activity and protein content had no significant change when dried with sun exposure and heating at 50°C. No fluctuation of starch content was found in dry sweet potato chips produced by sun exposure and heating at 50 and 90°C. After the storage of dry sweet potato chips for 30, 60, 90 and 120 days, no significant difference was found in protein content. In contrast, the activity of trypsin inhibitor and the starch content significantly decreased with increased storage time. The observation of electron microscopy showed heterogeneous shapes of starch granules with increased storage time. Overall, heating at 90°C or 50 °C with 60 days storage was the optimal procedure which could be suggested to produce dry sweet potato chips for animal feeds.
