  • 期刊


A Qualitative Study of Sources of Stress in National Elite Athletes




Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the primary sources of stress confronted by our national elite athletes and their foreign counterparts and to examine the discrepancy level on the primary sources of stress experienced by our athletes and those from other countries. Method: With an average of10.1±4.7 years of experience as athletes, a total of 32 Asian national-level athletes, including 10 male and 22 female whose average age was 23.4±5.6 years, were given in-depth open-ended interviews using a qualitative method to investigate the subjects' stressors in sport settings Results: The results revealed eight stress items as follows: 1) competition stress, 2)training stress, 3) negative interpersonal stress associated with dominating figures of the organizations, stress from expectation for better performance, 5) career development stress, 6) stress from psychological inadequacy or incompetence, 7) stress from physical inadequacy, and 8) social environmental stress. Conclusions: The findings showed that the greatest source of stress of our national elite athletes came from ”competition stress, ”accounting for 45.12% of the entire stress sources. It is suggested that sources of stress in national elite athletes be considered as an essential reference for future athletic training.


