  • 期刊


「一(ひと)+名詞」之構詞機制與語意用法-以日漢對比分析為主-|A Study in the Word Formations and Usage of "hito+ noun"-With the Emphasis on the Contrastive Analysis of the Chinese and Japanese Languages-




本文以生成詞庫理論為基礎,導入特質構造考察日語與漢語的「一+名詞」在構詞機制與語意用法上的異同。本文主要從「構成部門」、「構成方式」與「一」的語意功能等三個面向出發進行論述。首先釐清日、漢兩語言的「一+名詞」分屬不同的構成部門,日語的「一+名詞」是在詞彙部門形成,而漢語的“一+名詞”是在句法部門形成。其次說明日、漢兩語言「一」的語意功能並不相同,日語的「一」為時體表現標誌,與名詞或動詞結合時,其作用在於改變結合要素的內部時體狀態,而漢語的“一”並非時體表現標誌,而是具備個別化功能,漢語母語者藉由“一”來強化事物的個體性,給予事物一個明確可認知的輪廓。本文亦觀察兩語言「一+名詞」表現的構詞方式,藉由對比分析釐清兩語言中「一+名詞」表現的共性與特性,並得出以下結論:(i)兩語言的「一+名詞」表現皆可利用事件強迫,從名詞的「功用角色」導引出語意解釋。此一類型的日、漢語「一+名詞」具有對應關係。(ii)漢語的「一手油漆」、「一地垃圾」是利用名詞的「形式角色」所導引出的語意解釋,此一類型為漢語的特有的構詞方式。(iii)日語的「ひと雨」、「ひと汗」則是利用名詞的「施成角色」所導引出的語意解釋,此一構詞方法是日語特有的表現方式。本文釐清日、漢兩語言「一+名詞」的構詞機制與語意用法,不僅為日語教育提供應用上的建議,亦提供以生成詞庫理論作為語意分析研究的一個參考。|"一+noun" form exists in Japanese and Chinese, but not all the uses of "一+noun" in Chinese have their counterparts in Japanese. In previous research, discussions of "一+noun" in Chinese are more on the syntactic level than semantic level. In order to have a more comprehensive view, the study utilizes the theoretical framework of Pustejovsky's generative lexicon to identifies the differences and similarities of "一+noun" in Japanese and Chinese. The thesis examines three levels of "一+noun". Firstly, we examine the word-formation of "一+noun" in the two languages. Whereas "一+noun" in Chinese is constructed in the syntactic level, "一+noun" in Japanese is constructed in lexical level. Secondly, at semantic level, the core function of Japanese "一" is identified as an aspect maker, while the uses of "一" in Chinese are focused on the individuality. Thirdly, the formation patterns of "一+noun" are different. Although "一" is using as a trigger to cause "type coercion" in both Chinese and Japanese, it is found that the agentive role can only be used in "一+noun" in Japanese and the formal role can only be used in Chinese. Based on the results of the findings in this study, it is not appropriate to aptly equate some Japanese translations of "一+noun" to the meaning or functions of "一+noun" in Chinese. The thesis not only provides practical suggestions for Japanese education, but also contributes a reference for semantic analysis based on the theory of generative lexicon.
