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Determinants for Taiwan's R&Ds Investment Into Vietnam: An updated survey from Vietnam Nationwide



Taiwan is becoming an important investor of South East Asia region. Vietnam, as well as other neighbor countries, acknowledges that Taiwan has advantages in R&D-intensive Foreign Direct Investment and expects to attract more and more Taiwanese FDI projects. However, the statistics have revealed that most of Taiwanese investment projects in Vietnam are labor-intensive ones. Even worse, some Taiwanese FDI projects are conducted in Vietnam because of its low environmental standards, which threaten to make Vietnam a pollution haven. This paper, therefore, will first take an overview of Taiwanese projects in Vietnam and then interpret an updated survey on the determinants for Taiwan's R&D-intensive Investment in Vietnam nationwide. This survey was conducted in 2016 with samples from 20 Taiwanese companies operating in Hanoi, Haiphong, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City. The ultimate goal of this paper is to call for the R&D-intensive FDI from Taiwanese companies to Vietnam in the future and provide some implications for stakeholders from both countries.


就產業結構言,台灣對越南投資絕大部分集中於製造業,尤其是1964年至2012年期間曾高達88.5%,其次為金融保險業的6.6%。2016年台商在越南投資總額達4.5億美元,製造業所佔的比率降至60%,而金融保險業則成長約四倍,接近三成。在製造業中,紡織業居首(33.9%),其後依次為金屬業(16.2%)、成衣與配件業(15%)以及石化業(10.6%)等。這些產業皆為勞力密集產業與高污染產業。2016年台塑集團越南河靜(Ha Tinh)鋼鐵廠被發現排放汙廢水至附近海域,造成魚群暴斃,對台商在越南形象影響至巨。由於越南政府試圖在未來成為東協的研發中心,本文作者建議台灣的跨國企業到越南投資研發密集產業。


台灣 越南 投資 研發 東協


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