  • 期刊


A Kinematic Analysis of Tuck Back Somersault in Elite Male Artistic Gymnasts


本研究目的在探討男子競技體操團身後空翻動作於不同動作時期之運動學特徵分析。研究收集8位男子競技體操選手後空翻地板項目,運用Xsens 3D無線動作擷取分析系統收集分析運動學參數。分析結果發現:在起跳期時,最大角位移為肩關節,最大角速度為上臂,最大角加速度則為軀幹。在空中期I時,最大角位移為肩關節,最大角速度以及最大角加速度為小腿。在空中期II時,最大角位移為膝關節,最大角速度為小腿,最大角加速度為上臂。在著地期時,最大角位移為膝關節,最大角速度為上臂。本研究結論為:一、在起跳期時,應使身體呈現將近筆直向上的姿態離開地面,並使上臂及軀幹的旋轉角速度為最大,以增加肩關節的角度活動範圍。二、在空中期I時,應提升小腿的旋轉角速度,以使團身後空翻的旋轉。三、在空中期II時,應提升小腿與上臂的旋轉角速度,來增加肩關節及膝關節的角度活動範圍。四、在著地期時,應提升肩、髖、膝及踝關節的屈曲角速度,並使小腿的角速度及角加速度出現規律的振盪。


角位移 角速度 角加速度


The purpose of this study was to examine the kinematic characteristics of the tuck back somersault of a floor exercise during different phases in male artistic gymnasts. Eight male gymnasts were participated in standing back somersault. The kinematic parameters during different movement phases were recorded and analyzed by a Xsens 3D inertial measurement unit motion tracking system. The results showed that during the take-off phase, the maximum angular displacement was at the shoulder joint, the maximum angular velocity was at the upper arm, and the maximum angular acceleration was at the trunk. During the flight phase I, the maximum angular displacement was at the shoulder joint, and the maximum angular velocity and angular acceleration were at the lower leg. During the flight phase II, the maximum angular displacement was at the knee joint, the maximum angular velocity was at the lower leg, and the maximum angular acceleration was at the upper arm. Before the moment of the ground contact, the angular velocity and angular acceleration of the lower leg showed an up and down amplitude. During the landing phase, the maximum angular displacement was at the knee joint, and the maximum angular velocity was at the upper arm. Based on our results we conclude that (1) during the take-off phase, the arm swing and leg push-off should be in full range of motion and rapid. The shoulder joint, hip joint and knee joint must maintain a straight body position to leave the ground. (2) During the flight phase I, gymnasts should enhance their angular velocity of hip joint to increase the angular velocity of the lower leg. (3) During the flight phase II, gymnasts should increase their angular velocity of the upper arm and lower leg. (4) During the landing phase, gymnasts should improve their upper arm and knee joint flexion angular velocity and make the angular velocity and acceleration of the lower leg show regular oscillation.


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