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Cultural Differences and Local Food Experience on Migrant Workers' Adjustment and Life Satisfaction: A Moderated Mediation Analysis




This study aims to explore the general adjustment and life satisfaction of the migrant workers during their sojourn in Taiwan. In addition, the cultural differences as a moderator affecting the relations between local food experience and general adjustment as well as life satisfaction were also investigated. A survey was conducted to the migrant workers who were employed with the factories in the Tainan Science Park, Taiwan and a total of 588 useable questionnaires were obtained. A moderated-mediation analysis was carried out and the results supported most of the hypotheses. Further analysis indicates that both organizational and social support play an important role in enhancing migrant workers' general adjustment and life satisfaction. In addition, local food experience was found to have a positive effect on both general adjustment and life satisfaction, while the relation between local food experience and general adjustment was positively moderated by the cultural differences. In conclusion, the present study lends support that the local food experience exerts positive effect on the general adjustment as well as life satisfaction. The moderating role of the cultural differences was also confirmed in this study.


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