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The effects of 8-week yoga on muscular fitness and performance skills of youth pool players


緒論:探討撞球選手進行八週瑜珈課程後,對柔軟度、肌肉適能和撞球技能的變化。方法:18名青年選手(性別:14男4女,年齡:16.33 ± 1.03歲,身高:168.44 ± 6.92公分,體重:67.61 ± 18.22公斤),隨機分配至瑜珈(yoga, YOG)與控制組(control, CON),實驗期間參與者皆接受正常撞球技術訓練,YOG在技術訓練1小時前另進行40分鐘的瑜珈課程,每週3天,共8週。實驗前後測量兩組的坐姿體前彎、捲腹測驗、伏地挺身、撞球技術評量,與撞球能力檢測。結果:八週瑜珈後,YOG柔軟度、肌肉適能與撞球技能的後測達顯著進步(p < .05)。結論:八週瑜珈課能顯著提升柔軟度、肌肉適能與撞球技能。


Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of yoga on flexibility, muscular fitness and performance skills of youth pool players. Method: eighteen youth pool players (14 males and 4 females; age: 16.33 ± 1.03; height: 168.44 ± 6.92cm; weight: 67.61 ± 18.22kg) who were further divided into two groups (YOG and CON) participated in this study. The training of each group conducted 3 times a week for 8 weeks. All subjects experienced tests of sit-and-reach, push-up, curl-up and pool skill level examination before and after eight weeks. Results: Post-test of sit and reach, crunch, push up, q skill rating, runout99 was significantly improved then pre-test in YOG group (p < .05). Conclusion: Eight weeks of yoga session showed significantly enhance flexibility, muscular fitness and performance skills in youth pool players.


Sit-and-reach test Curl-up Push-up Q-skill rating Run out 99


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