  • 期刊


A Comparison Study of Sports Vision between Elite Taekwondo Contestants and University Student Athletes


Purpose: Compare the peripheral awareness (PA), eye movement (EM), momentary vision (MV) and dynamic visual acuity (DVA) of elite Taekwondo contestants and university student athletes. Methods: 15male elite athletic students Taekwondo contestants and university students were recruited, and the improved version of Athlevision of sports vision measurement tool was used. The Mann-Whitney test is used, level of significance is α = .05. Results: PA: Taekwondo contestants group (TCG) (5.29 ± 0.63cm) was relatively better than university students group (USG) (4.73 ± 0.92 cm) (z = -2.189; p = .029). In DVA (up, down, left, and right): TCG was 84.87 ± 21.33 ms, and USG was 87.96 ± 14.53ms. EM: TCG was 13.5 ± 1.60ms, and USG was 14.80 ± 3.61ms. MV: TCG was 27.61 ± 9.66ms, and USG was 24.03 ± 12.15ms. The DVA, EM, and MV were no significant different between two groups (p > .05). Conclusion: The performance of TCG in peripheral awareness was relatively better than USG. The finding may provide Taekwondo coach and researchers understand that the individual difference in the ability and reference to indentify (PA, EM, MV, and DVA) in Taekwondo sports.


Purpose: Compare the peripheral awareness (PA), eye movement (EM), momentary vision (MV) and dynamic visual acuity (DVA) of elite Taekwondo contestants and university student athletes. Methods: 15male elite athletic students Taekwondo contestants and university students were recruited, and the improved version of Athlevision of sports vision measurement tool was used. The Mann-Whitney test is used, level of significance is α = .05. Results: PA: Taekwondo contestants group (TCG) (5.29 ± 0.63cm) was relatively better than university students group (USG) (4.73 ± 0.92 cm) (z = -2.189; p = .029). In DVA (up, down, left, and right): TCG was 84.87 ± 21.33 ms, and USG was 87.96 ± 14.53ms. EM: TCG was 13.5 ± 1.60ms, and USG was 14.80 ± 3.61ms. MV: TCG was 27.61 ± 9.66ms, and USG was 24.03 ± 12.15ms. The DVA, EM, and MV were no significant different between two groups (p > .05). Conclusion: The performance of TCG in peripheral awareness was relatively better than USG. The finding may provide Taekwondo coach and researchers understand that the individual difference in the ability and reference to indentify (PA, EM, MV, and DVA) in Taekwondo sports.




