  • 期刊


A Missing Provision: The Withdrawal and Revocation of Administrative Dispositions Affecting the Third Party




The Administrative Procedure Act provides, as the German Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz, that an administrative disposition might be rescinded either through administrative litigation or ex officio by administrative agencies. Such two rescinding procedures concur before the administrative disposition becomes non-appealable. While the former procedure takes mainly the right of the affected third party into consideration rather than the right of whom the disposition is intended for, the latter procedure on the contrary emphasizes the right of whom the disposition is intended for, regardless of the affected third party. Thus an inconsistency has been witnessed in terms of legal protection for bona fide acts. In response, Section 50 of Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz provides that, once a beneficial administrative disposition contested by a third party is rescinded ex officio in favor of the third party, its expected effect on the beneficiary shall not be maintained. While on the contrary, the Administrative Procedure Act has yet responded to the inconsistency. This paper aims to point out this lacuna and suggests a few responding amendments to the Act.


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