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Exploration of Learning Effectiveness and Assessment of Emotion Management for College Students by Using a Multimedia Mobile Learning System




This study analyzed the learning effectiveness of emotion management for college students through the application of a multimedia mobile learning system combined with classroom teaching. We used the Moodle platform, which is compatible with the Android operating system, and added several functional modules to the platform to enable students to learn effectively. The modules that constituted the emotion-management learning system comprised multimedia, instant messaging, learning materials, and a Facebook discussion forum. A multistage fuzzy system was used to assess students' qualitative reflections at various stages of the emotion-management learning process. A quasi-experimental design was used to investigate 72 college students. They were divided into an experimental group and a control group. The questionnaires on learning effectiveness and the students' satisfaction with the multimedia mobile learning system were statistically analyzed. According to the results: (1) the proposed multimedia mobile learning system combined with classroom teaching effectively improved the learning of emotion management; (2) the overall satisfaction of college students with the multimedia mobile learning system was between satisfied and very satisfied; and (3) we develop a multistage fuzzy system to reduce the burden of elasticity proportion assessment of the students learning emotion management through situational reflection.


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