  • 期刊


Study of the Research of Taipei City Public Sports Centers Related Issues-The Case of Dissertations between 2002 and 2011




The importance of building ”healthy cities” is recognized across the world, making improving sports and leisure facilities and increasing physical fitness important policy objectives. In Taiwan, a serious shortage of sports and leisure facilities has made increasing space for sporting activities a pressing task for the government. In response, the Taipei City government planned twelve public sports centers and made efforts to increase access to sports facilities and raise public enthusiasm for sport. By 2010, the planned twelve sports centers had all opened to the public and become the primary destination for sports and leisure among the city's residents. Besides the differences in districts served, the facilities and services offered by the sports centers have gradually become standardized. This successful case can serve as an important model for other counties and cities as well as the various public sports facilities currently run by government contracted private operators. On this basis, this paper collects, compiles, and summarizes related research from Taiwan in the period between 2002 and 2012. It is hoped that this paper will provide a practical reference for researchers and assist the development of future research on the topic.


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