  • 期刊


Effect of instability resistance training on cognitive function in older adults: A Review




Instability resistance training (IRT) requires individuals to perform resistance exercises under dynamic balance conditions that involved exercises with high motor complexity and cognitive demands. Previous studies have been shown that IRT is a promising strategy for improvement of cognitive functions in older adults, which produces the challenges of the physical and cognitive domains simultaneously, that may have additional benefits on cognitive functions. However, the effects and mechanisms of IRT on cognitive functions in older adults are unconcluded. The aim of this article was to review the existing evidence and integrated the effect of IRT on cognitive functions and mechanisms in older adults, and provided the suggested direction to future studies based on existing results. Standard databases (i.e., PubMed and Google Scholar) were searched from inception to May 2021. A total of seven studies both regarding IRT, cognitive functions and older adults were included. Our results demonstrated that IRT may provide potential cognitive benefit in older adults. However, these results should be interpreted cautiously because of limitation from methodology and statistical analysis. We suggest future studies should extend these results to other populations, and to better understand the effects of IRT on cognitive functions in older adults, further investigations in the effects of IRT on specific cognitive functions, structure or function of the brain, neurochemical and dose-response relationship are needed.


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