  • 期刊


Self-Supporting Care Model for Older Adults


自立支援照護(self-supporting care)近年來在臺灣的高齡者照護機構中引起極大的關注。過去機構中傳統的照護模式傾向以「被照顧者的安全」與「照顧者管理之方便有效」為優先考量,造成過多不需要的約束、臥床與尿布使用,導致高齡者生活品質嚴重惡化。本文從高齡者全人照護的護理角度出發,先說明自立支援照護的概念與發展現況,國外相關的實證研究結果,再介紹本土化的介入策略。期待未來照護者皆能應用此概念於照顧上,提升高齡者的生活品質與生命尊嚴。


自立支援 照護 高齡者


Self-supporting care is an emerging concept in the geriatric care system of Taiwan. The traditional care model tends to prioritize aspects such as "safety" and "convenient and effective". For older adult patients, this situation has led to excessive restrictions, enforced bedrest, and the use of adult diapers, which seriously deteriorate quality of life. The present article introduces the development and current status of self-supporting care and international empirical research results from the perspective of holistic care for older adults as well as describes the intervention strategies that are currently used in Taiwan. We look forward to the caregivers of older adults being able to apply self-supporting care in their care settings, which is expected to enhance quality of life and dignity for older adults.


self-supporting care older adults


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