  • 期刊


Research on the Development of the Doctrine of Zhu Xi from Zheng Dexiu's "Mind Theories"




真德秀 朱熹 《心經》 敬靜 戒懼慎獨


As a scholar of Zhu Xi's doctrine, Zhen Dexiu's theories about "mind" is similar to school of heart/mind. The topic will compare Zhen Dexiu's Xinjing with shishandu shuji to present features of the content, structure and thought. Extending from Xinjing, we also can find the similarities and differences of "Mind Theories" between Zheng Dexiu and Zhu Xi. Zhen Dexiu is certain of mind's original state, attaching importance to the place of "Weifa" and the self cultivation of "Stillness". He also emphasized the feeling of "Jieju" which "seems to face god". All of these are the development of Zhu Xi's theory.


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黃瑩暖 HUANG, YING-NUAN:〈從「心之知覺」論朱子之「心」的道德動能——從「知覺是智之事」談起〉“The Citation of Zhu Xi “Consciousness of Mind” to Clarify His “moral agency” of “Mind” Theory”,《國文學報》Bulletin of Chinese 第 57 期(2015 年 6 月),頁 57-86。DOI:10.6239/BOC.201506.03。
宋•朱熹 ZHU, XI 著,陳俊民 CHEN, JUN-MIN 校編:《朱子文集》Zhuzi Wen Ji(臺北 Taipei:財團法人德富文教基金會 De Fu Cultural and Educational Foundation,2000 年)。
宋•朱熹 ZHU, XI 著:《四書集注》Si Shu Ji Zhu(臺北 Taipei:世界書局 The World Book CO., LTD.,2004 年 10 月)。
宋•真德秀 ZHEN, DE-XIU 著:《西山先生真文忠公文集》Xi Shan Xian Sheng Zhen Wen Zhong Gong Wen Ji,收入張元濟 ZHANG, YUAN-JI 主編:《四部叢刊》Si Bu Cong Kan 正編第 61 冊(臺北Taipei:臺灣商務印書館 The Commercial Press, Ltd.,1979 年,影印上海涵芬樓景印元刊本)。
