  • 期刊


The Student Subculture and Its Correlates: A Study of University Students in Taiwan


本研究以3,220名大學生爲對象,利用價值、社會態度與生活型式等有關量表調查大學生的次文化。調查結果得到如下主要結論: 1、大學生偏重社會與精神價值,忽視個人與物質價值;重視家庭生活與社會公益,相對忽視社會地位與物質生活;對成功條件的看法,重視努力、才幹,較不重視家世與親友提拔等。 2、大學生在工具性價值方面,偏重能力價值,忽視道德價值。其次,隨著社會變遷,大學男生比以往重視經濟與政治價值,而輕視理論、社會、宗教等價值;再者,大學生的政治態度趨於積極,性觀念與異性交友態度也趨向於開放;大學生新興的休閒活動是觀看錄影節目與玩電腦。 三、大學生的政治態度表現相當積極,如喜歡讀政治性刊物,非常關心選舉,強烈的認同於民族與國家,信任政府,以及對國家與個人的前皆具有信心。 四、大學生次文化的消極特徵是:反映社會大衆所崇尚的能力價值,忽視人文與精神性價值;重視實而缺乏理想;關心個人而忽視社會等。此外,與此特徵有關聯的尚有讀書風氣不旺盛,師生關係冷漠,出國留學意願強烈,休閒活動以靜態、個人或逸樂取向爲主;少數男生更有吸煙、喝酒、打麻將等不良消遺。




The purpose of this study was to investigate the subculture of Chinese University students. Six scales were used. The subjects of this study were 3220 students from 25 colleges and universities. The data were submitted to univariate and multivariate statistical analysis. The findings were as follows: 1. The students place a greater emphasis on social and spiritual values than on individual and material values; on family life and social welfare than on social status and material life. As for their attitude toward achievement, they place a greater emphasis on effort and ability than on luck, family background and human relations. 2. Compared with students of 20 years ago, Contemporary students place a greater emphasis on economic and political values than on social and religious values. 3. Contemporary students tend to be more politically involved. They like to read political publications; they identify their country; they trust their government, and have confidence in the future. Their attitude toward sex and toward fashions tend to be liberal. New leisure activities, such as watching video-tapes and playing computer games are quite common. 4. Some negative characteristics of the Chinese student subculture are a matter of concern. They place a greater emphasis on competence than on moral values. They also tend to be too opportunistic, self-centered, with little academic motivation; and they are pleasure-oriented. A minority of students even have the habit of smoking, drinking and playing majong. 5. According to the differences in values, social attitudes and life styles the student subculture can be categorized as male-female, science-humanities, self orientation-social orientation, and opportunistism-idealism. Some recommendations based on the preceding din s are offer universities and the educational authorites.




張美英(2004)。技專院校學生曠課行為 之研究--以桃竹苗地區為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2004200712420867
