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Research on Marketing Planning of Customized Clothing Design Platform




Taiwan's LINE App has more than 21 million users and is the most densely used communication software. Stickers are one of the three most frequently used functions of LINE. Some dolls with LINE stickers have become household pets, and many dolls or clothing with these doll designs are popular in the market. Modern people pay attention to their own clothing style, so customized products have become popular. In view of the above phenomenon, this research designed a "customized clothing design platform" with the App as the interface. This allows consumers to choose and edit their favorite LINE stickers onto the custom clothing samples provided on the platform. After the consumer confirms and makes the payment, the platform transmits the parameters to their authorized manufacturer through the electronic data exchange system and then sends it through logistics. This research hopes to meet consumers' personalized and unique clothing needs through the establishment of this platform and the formulation of marketing strategies. The establishment of this platform and the design of innovative business models aims to increase development of Taiwan's cultural and creative industry and the output value of clothing.


LINE e-commerce customized business model EDI


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