  • 期刊


Radiation-induced Chondrosarcoma of the External Ear Canal – Case Report


放射線治療經常應用在鼻咽癌的治療中,但少有放射線治療引起繼發性耳癌的例子。吾人近日經歷一45歲男性病患,8年前因鼻咽癌接受700 cGy的放射線治療,並合併methotrexate及Endoxan的化學治療,之後鼻咽部無腫瘤復發。不幸日前出現左外耳道腫脹疼痛的症狀,耳鼻喉局部檢查發現其軟骨性外耳道後壁出現一表面平整之腫瘤,經顳骨切除術治療後之病理診斷證實為軟骨肉瘤。根據其發生的時間、位置、以及病理組織形態,均符合放射線引起發性肉瘤的標準。檢索文獻,此外耳道軟骨肉瘤乃國內外首例,故提出報告。


Radiation therapy is the mainstay treatment for nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Nevertheless, the incidence of radiation-induced sarcoma (RIS) remains low in patients with NPC, and radiation-induced chondrosarcoma has not been reported. Herein, we report the case of a 45-year-old man who developed radiation-induced chondrosarcoma in the cartilaginous ear canal eight years after receiving radiation therapy for an NPC. On admis-sion, he complained of tenderness and swelling in the left ear canal. Physi-cal examination revealed a smooth bulging mass originating from the carti-laginous ear canal. Lateral temporal bone resection was performed and pathological examination revealed chondrosarcoma. The post-operative course was smooth and no evidence of tumor recurrence was found during the follow-up of 8 months. The location of the tumor, the interval after previous irradiation, and the histological findings were all consistent with a diagnosis of RIS. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of radia-tion-induced chondrosarcoma. Because early diagnosis of RIS offers the only chance for cure, early work-up of any fresh pain and swelling in an irradiated field is vital.
