  • 學位論文


Prevention of Human Trafficking in Taiwan

指導教授 : 葛祥林


舉世聞名、惡名昭彰的人口販運,因為其低成本、高獲利及可重複剝削等特質,致使此類犯罪難以銷聲匿跡,隨著各國的地理位置、風俗民情、法律制度等不同,人口販運也會在各國出現「變形」,台灣也不例外,本文撰寫的目的就是為了探討台灣人口販運的變形及相關實務防制措施,使法律、政策與實務能兩相驗證、相輔相成,避免淪於象牙塔中的高調空談。 媒體報導沸沸揚揚的「假結婚、真賣淫」、「假結婚、真打工」及「逃逸外勞」等問題,其實背後許多均與人口販運集團有所連結,本文結合我國人口販運防制法、刑法、兒童及少年性交易防制條例、通訊保障及監察法等相關法律及我國勞委會、海巡署、移民署、調查局、警政署的政策、資料、數據,綜合分析之可以發現許多問題,諸如近年來人口販運集團在兩岸人流處置上趨向以「假結婚」取代傳統的「偷渡」、政府為因應之而產生的「面談」等與保障國際婚姻團聚權之間的衝突、合法仲介業者剝削程度高於非法仲介業者的弔詭現象、通訊保障及監察法無法供應人口販運犯罪上線監聽的需要、人口販運防制法未能發揮統一立法的遺憾、司法警察(官)的法感衝擊常導致偵查流程中的身分錯置、檢舉獎金的缺漏致使情資貧瘠、參考美國TVPA立法來解決被害人高度被害問題、如何平衡犯罪偵查與人權保障等,上述問題看似琳瑯滿目,實際上均環環相扣、缺一不可,涉及其中的亦有許多矛盾,如犯罪防制與人權的兩難,然而這些複雜的現象正是防制人口販運無可避免的問題。 承前,因題目制定與筆者實務出身的背景,本文泰半結合犯罪偵查實務,與一般學術論文有所區隔,期能在實務上發揮功效,對台灣防制人口販運犯罪有所助益。


Due to the traits of low-prime cost、high- profit、and repeatable exploitation of the world-famous、notorious human trafficking, this kind of crime is not easy to disappear. And with the differences of geographical location、cultural life、and the law system of each country, the “transformation” of human trafficking appears in every country, including Taiwan. The goal of this thesis is to explore the transformation of human trafficking in Taiwan and its related prevention measures in practice, so that the law、policy and practice can complement each other, avoiding the empty talk as in the ivory of tower. The problems of the noisy media report of “ false marriage, true prostitution” 、 “ false marriage, true work part-time”、and “fled-imported labors” are in fact much related with the group of human trafficking. In this thesis, through the generalized analysis of related laws such as The Prevention of Human Trafficking、The Criminal Law、The Prevention Rule of Sex-trade of Children and Teenagers、The Protection of Communication and Methods of Inspection as well as the analysis of policies and data of government organizations such as Councils of Labor Affair、Sea Patrol Bureau、Immigrant Bureau、Investigation Bureau、and National Police Agency , we can find many problems, for examples, the tendency to use “false marriage” instead of traditional “illegal immigration” , the immigration interview and the conflict of the right of family reunion in international marriages, the strange phenomenon that the level of exploitation is higher in the legal intermediary service organizations than in the illegal ones、The Protection of the Communication and The Methods of Inspection are not able to provide the needs to monitor the human trafficking on line、a pity that The Prevention of Human Trafficking is not able to develop its unified legislation, the attack of judicial police sense of law which often results in the dislocation of identity during the process of inspection、the omissions of reporting bonus leading to the lack of information、to refer to TVPA legislation of USA to resolve the highly blasted problem of the victim、how to balance the crime inspection and the protection of human rights, etc. The problems mentioned above seem like dazzling, but it is in fact closely linked and inseparable, there are many conflicts involved, like the crime inspection and the protection of human rights. However, these complicated appearances are the inevitable problems of prevention of the human trafficking. Due to the title set up of the thesis and the practical background of the author, there are many practices of crime inspections discussed, differing from general scholastic thesis. It is the author’s hope to display effect in practice, and to be of some advantages of the prevention of human trafficking in Taiwan.




張力文(2015)。我國國境政策之研究 以海巡署查緝越南人民利用大陸漁船 偷渡來臺為例〔碩士論文,逢甲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0218784
